Politician’s Wife Found Guilty of 52 Voter Fraud Felonies, Sent to Prison

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37 thoughts on “Politician’s Wife Found Guilty of 52 Voter Fraud Felonies, Sent to Prison

  1. Republicans commit voter fraud so they can persuade their simple minded followers that it is happening but think it is by Democrats.

    But being Republicans and not black they should not be sentenced, because…

  2. I'm noticing that Ms. Taylor's husband is a Republican. One question I didn't hear you ask, Roman: Does the DOJ prosecute election fraud crimes committed by Republicans, but not election fraud crime committed by Democrats? That would fit into the disturbing trend towards a two-tiered justice system we have been seeing.

  3. Funny how the one caught doing voter fraud is republican. Seems to me that is the norm. It is always republicans claiming voter fraud, because they are the ones committing it. Never enough to actually change the results of the elections, so why bother?

  4. I haven't heard about many cases of voter fraud in recent elections, and I don't know if it is some kind of confirmation bias or algorithm filter, but most if not all the cases I've heard about have been from Republican voters or for Republican candidates.

  5. So this lady doesn't get the "we need to make an example of" sentencing, they go light on her because the judge believes she won't do it again. I'm leaning on the "this ain't good sentencing" side.

  6. Note Republican fraud, Republicans are blaming Democrats for everything which is a lie and here Republicans are playing with the votes. Why? Because they know they can’t Win ! You should do a news report about why the people of Iowa continue to vote Republican, voting to remove their Social Security and rights from others

  7. It's Repubes who always complain about voter fraud, but when an actual, rare case is found, it's almost always one of THEM who did it. Isn't that interesting?

  8. She is a rich, white woman, who will never be punished as a person of color or a Democrat would..You never hear about all of these Republicans, who have done this…Fox would have covered this had this had this been a Democrat

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