Police Officer’s UFO Abduction Leaves Family in Turmoil

In 2006, an Argentina Police officer vanishes under mysterious circumstances. however, what’s truly disturbing is when they find …


38 thoughts on “Police Officer’s UFO Abduction Leaves Family in Turmoil

  1. They didn’t follow me all night but me and my wife and 2 other adults seen a alien craft fly over our house so slow it took about 3 min to disappear in front of us. Scared the shit out of us I drew a picture of it right after and asked my wife is this what you saw and she said yes just to confirm I wasn’t crazy 30 to 60 feet across shaped like a disc but with 11 square windows down the side we could see and tilted on its edge so as people could see us out the windows ,we don’t no if it was windows or lights because they were very bright and it had like a blue haze around like blue fog all most. I can tell you about it but until you see it your self you will never know but once you do know that it’s all true it freaks you out because we have no idea why there here they could start our world over and no one would ever no we could be there experiment.

  2. They just wanted to ask Sergio about a local good restaurant to eat at.
    – But seriously…. Did Sergio have radiation on him? Many abductees are found irradiated. Not good.

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