Police Give Rebellious Woman a Lesson She Won’t Forget

Police Give Rebellious Woman a Lesson She Won’t Forget
police,rebellious woman a lesson she won’t forget,police teach rebellious women a lesson,police teach rebellious woman a lesson she’ll never forget!,police chase,real world police,police pit,police officer,officer handling a rebellious woman caught on camera,rebellious woman arrest,rebellious karen lesson,police videos,woman tries to outrun the police,police activity,white woman calls police girl selling water,florida woman gives cops run for their money
Law&Crime Network,Midwest Safety,Inspector Ray,Body Cam Watch,Code Blue Cam,EWU Bodycam,Real Body Cams

The footage displayed on Crime on Bodycam is for educational purposes only. All of the police bodycam footage serves to inform the public, ensuring transparency in local law enforcement agencies. It is not intended to endorse violence or criminal acts. All information is provided by law enforcement and is deemed public. Videos have been appropriately edited and shortened to comply with YouTube guidelines, prioritizing journalistic focus.

#police #bodycam #news #arrest #cops


32 thoughts on “Police Give Rebellious Woman a Lesson She Won’t Forget

  1. It’s insane how ignorant people can be. Would rather get their car towed and go to jail over an ego. Not surprised by the community the women belongs to.

  2. It’s insane how ignorant people can be. Would rather get their car towed and go to jail over an ego. Not surprised by the community the women belongs to.

  3. Over and over, she went through all the stages of denial, excuses that a 6 YO would when caught standing beside a broken lamp. Oh the tears, that's the end stage, what an absolutely horrible child in an adults body.

  4. You can't fix stupid. She gonna say the same thing to the judge, "I didn't do anything wrong ."
    Judge , " You were speeding."
    "But I didn't so anything wrong"
    "But I didn't do nuffin"
    "Ok you're just terminally stupid"

  5. Speeding ticket, tow bill, window bill, court costs, impound fees, and jail time that might cost you your job from lost time off work! You could have just received a ticket or maybe even a warning and you would have been on your way. YOU PICKED WISELY!!!😂

  6. I worked in a call center and had similar conversations to this. Gotta wear them down. Their behavir isn't gonna change a damn thing. I was the "supervisor" and I always had the same information as the lower level folks. Twas always annoying af.

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