Police Discover a Kidnapper’s Bathroom

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32 thoughts on “Police Discover a Kidnapper’s Bathroom

  1. Hotel employee just chilling on break, another day. He didnt even move when they were wrestling him to the ground. 😂, but in all seriousness, im glad someone called the police, so many people could probably be saved if someone just picked up their phone and called for help.

  2. Anyone else notice how the male leo keeps saying “okay?” After every sentance? During the arrest when they are wrestling, he actually says “shut the f*** up, Okay?!” Twice lol. I think he is trying to use it to sound more friendly but it seems to have become a habit, like “um” 🤣🤣 too funny, I love it!!

  3. Anyone else notice how the male leo keeps saying “okay?” After every sentance? During the arrest when they are wrestling, he actually says “shut the f*** up, Okay?!” Twice lol. I think he is trying to use it to sound more friendly but it seems to have become a habit, like “um” 🤣🤣 too funny, I love it!!

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