Police Discover a Kidnapper’s Bathroom
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Of course, it’s just one video.
But it’s always worth asking who benefits (and who is harmed the most?) from this law.
Illinois is lawless af.
So this man is fucking free?!
The judicial system is nuts; he never should have been let out of jail and his parole revoked. Our judicial system is a joke
My mans is slow ash😂
Seems the victim wasn’t wrong when she said he gets light treatment cos mom is a judge
Illinois … what a great state! Criminal Hellscape.
Fully blown stupidity…
The hotel worker on a break just chilling there watching
Unfortunately sounds like she was and is a prostitute.. smh and hes a scumbag
The dude sitting outside for a smoke break as they’re arresting him has me giggling i know they weren’t expecting that
Thats Illinois for you – the corrupt democrats releasing everyone.
It is clear the inmates are in charge of the asylum in Illinois.
From what I’ve heard “He didn’t touch her”
Just saying
He is a walking future Forensic Files episode and his mommy is to blame. Imagine his victims knowing that reporting won’t do anything because of her.
Mommie needs to hold him accountable.
I love watching these videos but then I see the cop detaining the guys AND HE HAS A HELLO KITTY COP TATTO I STARTED CRACKING UP THEN SAID HES A DIVA
This is madness
But I'm the best in class
Don't arrest me you can but I'm in elementary school 😂😂
He's not in prison and EVERY single cased has been closed. His mom raised a good one.
Hotel employee just chilling on break, another day. He didnt even move when they were wrestling him to the ground. 😂, but in all seriousness, im glad someone called the police, so many people could probably be saved if someone just picked up their phone and called for help.
Anyone else notice how the male leo keeps saying “okay?” After every sentance? During the arrest when they are wrestling, he actually says “shut the f*** up, Okay?!” Twice lol. I think he is trying to use it to sound more friendly but it seems to have become a habit, like “um” 🤣🤣 too funny, I love it!!
Anyone else notice how the male leo keeps saying “okay?” After every sentance? During the arrest when they are wrestling, he actually says “shut the f*** up, Okay?!” Twice lol. I think he is trying to use it to sound more friendly but it seems to have become a habit, like “um” 🤣🤣 too funny, I love it!!
That woman cop was useless lol
Why is no one investigating the fact that his mother is a judge and he keeps getting out? If that ain’t dodgy I don’t know what is
Illinois? Say nothing else. State ran by corrupt liberals
Illinois that explains it
I need to see the face of the cop because his voice is deep as hell.
13:50 is a whole temper tantrum
This man is a wife beater caricature.