Platoon (1986) – Burning the Village Scene (4/10) | Movieclips
Platoon – Burning the Village: Chris (Charlie Sheen) comes across some of his fellow soldiers raping a young girl and stops them, …
Platoon – Burning the Village: Chris (Charlie Sheen) comes across some of his fellow soldiers raping a young girl and stops them, …
Disgusting….a disgrace to the whole us army trying to assault that little girl like that even tho it’s a movie but I know that happend some where during the Vietnam war😡🤬 respect to all the right minded and good soilders during that war that did the right thing like that helicopter dude and his crew in the my Lai massacre🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
USA 🇺🇸✝️🗿
Charlie Sheen? The voice of reason? Wow.
Amerca sheytwarney
I saw this movie as a teenager, and it totally devastated me when Bunny murdered the mentally challenged boy.
Isn't this the same soundtrack they used in Harry Potter when Amos griefed over Cedric's body?
Search and Destroy missions did more to hurt the Americans back at home than the wounded soldiers ever did.
and yet the marines still wondered why the villagers didnt like them
All I see is signs. Dolla dolla store signs.
was Elias trying to protect Charlie Sheen's character Taylor or was he telling the other guys to wrap it up?
Aparece Jack sparrow
Not a phone is sight. People just living in a moment.
All are fair in love and war
Thảm sát mỹ lai
And thats why i hate America.
Así son los soldados Ahí unos psicópatas violadores de niñas en la vida real y Así como el soldado bueno que les quitó las niñas Así Handan en un batallón
0:20 Fire In the hole 🕳 🔥
Đây là ngta chiến tranh tại Việt Nam
Watch “come and see” Russian movie, it’s very similar.
Người Việt đang lừa chúng mày đấy không người chết là chúng mày tiêu diệt hết bọn chúng
3:00 The kid wearing the hat was the cutest shot in the movie
Its not something that ive seen talked about but I really love that they made all the characters react to the explosions by flinching and looking back rather than usual “cool guys dont look at explosions” trope. It’s a small detail but adds so much more realism to this scene.
The telling bit is at the end when the explosions go off. It means there were hidden caches of ammo.
omg this is war civilians are the casualties communist or non communist really unforgiving lets have peace on earth period and may the history of war always reminds us for future generation
Exactly why the U.S. lost the war.
Hiding and aiding VC this is what you get! Primitive countries have no intelligence or understanding of how civilization should operate.
Epstein Island be like:
The barbaric actions against the Vietnamese people are truly cruel
Genius way to create even more hatred and rebels
Barnes ain’t meant to die
"If they weren't VC when we got there. They damn were when we left" I butchered the quote but that kinda sums it up.
Pyšyte. Pysmą
Would have been hot if the girl was naked and we watched him do it