Peta Credlin delivers chilling comparison on ‘Andrews’ experiment’ and WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

Sky News host Peta Credlin delivers a chilling warning on the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty. Ms Credlin was joined by Liberal Senator …


35 thoughts on “Peta Credlin delivers chilling comparison on ‘Andrews’ experiment’ and WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

  1. Peta Credlin never gives up, she alone stood up to this tyrannical Vic govt, coped the barrage by the left, dismissed by Dictator Dan, but he’s gone now unaccountable for any of his terrible actions Her diligence is so valuable for us all. And bravo to Alex Santic too Thank you for your work.

  2. WHO screwed up so badly in the last pandemic that there is no way we should have anything to o with them. Defund them, The UN, the FBI, CIA, and Justice department. When all the bureaucrats are gone, rebuild from scratch.

  3. so, going off your closing, Dan's a puppy, Chairman Dan told that muppet Sutton what to do, he was in charge calling the shots, not Brett? Shame none of these people will be charged for basic abuse of power…hey, we even gave Dan an AO! This country is going to the weeds.
    South Africa style is where we are headed.

  4. The newest control, and money spinner. Get used to no travel and staying within 5 klm of your home, but you will be allowed to work if you take a JAB every year. Slavery, through the PLANdemic, with clearly another one planned. Did anyone remember that it was man made with many countries involved?

  5. Albanese is apart of getting the WHO treaty placed in to Australia "permanently" all through the WEF and their AGENDA,right across the board in every countries "CORRUPT" government of various members selected to "INFILTRATE" the very cabinets!!!

  6. The problem is that Australia has been shown to be the most cucked spineless Caucasian population on planet earth. Anyone with a clipboard or some title from any random government agency gets roughly 80% of Aussies on their knees , lips moistened & ready to bob.

  7. The united nations may of been a good idea to start with but now is a giant criminal organization. Australia needs to leave the UN asap. We don't need it. We are aligned with the US, UK, Canada and other western nations. Effectively being in NATO without being in NATO. We need to leave.

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