~ personal news ~ News2Share Editor-in-Chief Engaged!

Some personal News2Share: On Thanksgiving, News2Share Editor-in-Chief Ford Fischer proposed to his girlfriend Hala!


49 thoughts on “~ personal news ~ News2Share Editor-in-Chief Engaged!

  1. Look at all the white people an't they "racists" and ''white nationalist" according to far leftists media news like this? Edit not one black or brown or diversity !? Ah, just vote D and you get a pass, eh!?

  2. I may not agree with you Ford, but congratulations and may you and your new fiancée have the best days to come filled with happiness and lots of joy together ❤! And maybe some lil Fords and Halos(?) too!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRECIOUS MOMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord.

  4. How positively beautiful. How wonderful that you have found one another. May your future be forever, your joys be may. Much love and respect❤❤💑

  5. Awww Ford!! That's so sweet ❤
    I can't believe how much you have grown up. I found your FB channel back when Trump was running the 1st time and been watching you on both YT and FB since. I think the first video was a rally and you had an Antifa guy who you said had spaghetti arms. Congratulations to you both and hope y'all have a very happy holiday season ❤🥰❤

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