Paul Sklar (51 yr) Gets Mistaken For Sons Older Brother. This Is My Secret

diet #health #longevity Paul Sklar is a famous American fitness influencer who is 51 years old! He often gets mistaken for his son’s …


22 thoughts on “Paul Sklar (51 yr) Gets Mistaken For Sons Older Brother. This Is My Secret

  1. Funny how many know so little about what consistency and food eating as well as genetics can do. Look up bronze era bodybuilders. I bet these people will also say they were on gear. Most lack the true discipline. And genetics.

  2. Why do people like this lie about being on TRT or HGH or Peptides or something that is not natural? Because they are selling something. It is so obvious! They want you to believe they are the one unicorn in the world with great genetics or that their diet and working hard will get them like this. I started TRT 5 months ago turning 50. I workout less now than I did when I was in my 30's and 40's and the results are amazing. My muscles are harder now, I am leaner and my strength is way more than when I was natural and eating strict Keto 360 days out of the year. In 5 months, I have gotten in better shape than in my life. Cold Plunges and Saunas, Protein powders, amino acids, Creatine hit workouts Cross fit and diets, and none of this compares to what doing a small amount of testosterone every 3 days has done for my body and well being!

  3. A lot of people think he's on trt but he's been lean his entire life and probably gets 2g or more of protein per kg, I think its achievable with his lifestyle and self discipline. I speak from experience but I don't want to be that lean all year as it would tank natural testosterone.

  4. I am 47 years old. I eat cakes, pastries, candy bars and chocolates. But I can run 40kms a week, do 150+ kms of biking a week and do some HIIT for 1 hour 2x a week. I am in great shape!

  5. I agree with them supposing TRT or juicing, but still you have to train hard and eat right way to get this form. How ever he is getting in this shape i'm inspired and impressed.

  6. Well, I know you're on Tr T and you're working out a lot because you can't achieve that body after 40 looking like that without gear. I know I'm looking better cause. I had Tr T cause I produced 0 testosterone because of a tumor in my Patuitary gland. And I'm looking And feeling much better.

  7. Despite the obvious benefits (both externally and internally) of exercise, strength training and a healthy diet, the government the so-called "medical experts" will continue to push chemical injections as "healthy". We now have people who call themselves "nutritionists" pushing the "healthy at any size" mantra, which is completely antithetical to health. How ironic (or purposeful) was it that local and state governments (particularly in CA) closed beaches, gyms, parks, filled skateboarding pits with sand and took down basketball nets in early 2020? They were trying to discourage the very thing that keeps people healthy while making us all sicker and weaker (easier to control) in order to force everyone to pursue the untested chemical jab in order to be "healthy" Chemical jabs and pharmaceuticals are not going to do it. Get out there and work the body, build your strength and fortify your immune system. There are no shortcuts.

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