P. Diddy Makes Apology Video & Gets DESTROYED

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46 thoughts on “P. Diddy Makes Apology Video & Gets DESTROYED

  1. How can someone who bought and hid the tape his crimes are on be apologetic? It's impossible. Sociopaths have this tendency to think that ignorance and apologies will allow them to do whatever. His methods are no different than a mobster. He should be charged with tampering of evidence and racketeering, let alone the slew of new charges that this woman should be allowed to sue him for now that new evidence has come to light.

  2. I am so glad to hear you state the facts about Diddy's "Star Friends". There are hundreds of so called "Star Friends" of his that have kept their mouths shut for a couple decades just to protect their reputations all while sitting back watching Diddy and his cohorts traffic children. And yes, I'm talking about people just like the "Smith's". What Jade and Will have done personally is their choice but what they have BOTH done to (forced on) their kids (especially Jaden) is deplorable and they both need to see the inside of a prison for the rest of their lives, right along side of Diddy. In prison they will find out what happens to those who molest, r-word, abuse or kill or sell children.

  3. A gaslight apology is an apology given that often appears sincere but the person is actually not taking any responsibility for what they have caused.When Cassie and multiple other women came forward, he denied everything and suggested that his victims were looking for a payday,"
    Why are people only sorry when they get caught?

  4. please everybody!, ya know me?, ask ellen?, YOU ALL LOVE ME!!!, that video?, TRULY SORRY!!!, ( that i fn delete it ), PEOPLE SWORE TO ME!!!, when exiting my freak o….oh, NO COMMENT!, my life is inexcusable?.

  5. People need to get wise to people like Diddy. He's even gloating in this video. Where he chose to position his camera, angled upward to see the thatched tropical luxury of wherever he is…sitting near what sounds like the ocean. And just the straight arrogance of treating the public like one of his stable.

  6. Saying they don't care about women being beaten, or there should be no statute of limitations, just shows that the intelligence level of youtube is cartoon-like and a waste of time, its the chest-thumping equivalent of morality. It's moronic. I'm done.

  7. Exactly 💯 sorry…….Yeah, Sorry I got caught! Let the lawsuits roll! Everything needs to be taken from him. Need to blacklist him and put him in prison.

  8. He’s not going to prison, but he will be the bitch of the elite. That raid was done to get his tapes, not to make an arrest. He got greedy and wanted too much power.

  9. I’m sorry – no. I was a young woman selling advertising to car dealers. I was a Biggie fan. Suburban white girl, just starting out life. Had no clout. I heard about Biggie’s death midday at work. At that moment, I knew it was a hit. This was not ever random gang violence.

    Put Puff under the jail. Bury him. Let’s be absolutely real about what happened there.

  10. I am grateful that most men of Western culture do not hit women, bc I have a smart mouth when I get angry. I also have a strong will, so controlling me is like putting a cat on a leash, but some have still tried. That never worked out well.

    There is a big difference between an argument going too far and what's on that video. A man might lose his temper for a minute and do something he regrets, and a woman might even be the thing that pushes him over the edge. Nobody is perfect.

    The thing is, most people don't continue to beat someone 1) that they can easily overpower, and 2) that is not fighting back. Lastly, the way he kicked her when she was laying on the floor tells you he enjoys dominating her. The last thing that man is, is sorry for what he did. Cheers!

  11. Ok.. So now…here's the million dollar question (that i have anyway)…
    But, now that all of this is coming to light…what do we think about his part in the murder of 2Pac? I Have ALWAYS thought he was involved in that.

  12. If you were so disgusted, why didn't you turn yourself in instead of pay for hotel security to bury the security footage. He hasn't gotten any help he is still abusing people.

  13. Are you guys aware that it was disclosed somewhere that Diddy was abused by his Mentor when he was young. It's absolutely no excuse, but they say the abused turn into abusers. He should've got help for this kind of behavior, supposedly he has a bottomless bank account, etc.
    Anyway, it's really sad how he took advantage of all these young people who just wanted to make it in the music biz. I hope they get their justice!!

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