Outrageous excess deaths

Direct link to TV Parliament site, https://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/168f642a-5708-4b1a-9857-d8eacf475252 That this House …


26 thoughts on “Outrageous excess deaths

  1. I'm getting tired of fact-checking these kinds of guests and finding they are kooks. When is this charade going to end? No one went to this talk because they all know it's a waste of time to listen to nonsense.

  2. This is EXACYLY how the public get misrepresented, manipulated and lied to, where theres top researched stuff but targeted stuff gets used according to their intended purpose like depop, where the the deluvering frontline play
    a "Dumber & Dumber" roll on purpose due to "urgency of situation" & "lack of science and research" on it !! That way, no one can be held legally responsible, due to the "mitigating circs."
    Lol what a bunch of bollu*ks !! 😊😊😅😅😂😂
    Wake up people !! 😢😢

  3. Very very important mind blowing stuff must watch Madeleine Mc cann julia wandelt part four ex cops new evidence. It will fill in some dots for you. Nice one all the best.

  4. The richest man in Singapore Creative founder Sim Wong Hoo's unexpected death at 67 after his jab.

    I am not vaccinated and infected with Covid 11 times and I am still alive today. 😁😁😁

  5. to go against the status Quo–as in believe everything you are told or else—no one showed in the Commons because they FEAR being seen even listening to TRUTH. All over the world=same thing. SAD. Will Humans extinguish each other by their own hands, own science, all for $$$??? We will all have to wait and see.

  6. Got covid in 2019, kicked it within a week. Again in 2020, was fully recovered in even less time. Took the jab in 2021 and was diagnosed with progressive ms a year later. I was 22 with no family history.

  7. Oh, it's worse than that. Patients were being intubated due to physician fear of contagion, NOT classic indications. This was, I am told national guidelines. Somebody made up some "common sense" guideline that one could not use CPAP or BIPAP to help short of breath/tired patients due to fear of spread. I believe some fear generated when that nursing home in Seattle had some early contagion, which was felt possibly due to CPAP using residents. It was assault and battery. At the same time no patient advocacy due to no visitors or family allowed during the early days…If you are obese on a ventilator the ventilation peak pressures are much higher due to obesity related factors. Follow the guidelines…..

  8. LOL SMH If the US had followed the protocols that Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Norway, UAE, Vietnam, and Taiwan had, there would be 900,000 souls walking around with us now. 900,000 is a lot of excess deaths that John doesn't talk about or morn.

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