Outlaw takes on multiple troopers in St. Paul


20 thoughts on “Outlaw takes on multiple troopers in St. Paul

  1. videos are evolving nicely and organically, it is clear you are providing a tremendous service to the community (local and world), thank you man (and team)!

  2. My god the incompetence.

    "Ok stand over there."
    starts walking towards the driver's side.
    "Stop doing that… don't go to the driver's side."
    continues to walk to driver door…
    "Don't open that driver door.. don't do it… no no no"
    slowly opens driver's door
    "Don't get in the car. Don't…"
    gets into the car
    "Don't start the car… you better not start the car"
    slowly starts the car…

  3. The trooper should have made sure that the man stays on the sidewalk.

    She also should have put him in handcuffs as for detainment until she gets further information.

    The other cops should have stayed by the driver side and the passenger side of his car so he doesn't take off.

    He has a history of eluding the police.

  4. What in the world are the officers looking at behind them? Their Full attention should be on this driver. She patted down the pockets of his Nike shorts but not the waistband/waistline. He could have had a hidden weapon(s). (I hope they use this as a training video.) If these 4 officers want to live longer they better step up their game. This crazy world is not going give them many chances.

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