Opening Scene | Kung Fu Hustle

KUNG FU HUSTLE is NOW PLAYING and can be found to Rent or Buy here: A petty …


32 thoughts on “Opening Scene | Kung Fu Hustle

  1. The whole meme of 3:15 is me in COD: Warzone doing 3-4 emotes as I slowly approach the enemy player I just downed who had full-killed everyone in my squad & I'm now exacting sweet vengeance makes this scene in particular all the more timeless. 😂😂😂

  2. Axe Gang is not a Gangster but Organized Mafia 😂 Nice Suite, Well Discipline Members, have personal Accountants, maybe also have a personal lawyer 🤔 while Crocodile Gang just bunch of Lawless people.

  3. I never really noticed before, but there's a whole story thread in this opening sequence that's all about how Brother Sum, while a charismatic leader, is also an idiot. In contrast, his burly mustachioed second in command — who might easily be mistaken for mere muscle — is actually the real brains of the Axe Gang. He pulls off the precision axe throw that prevents the Crocodile Gang leader from escaping, he catches the loaded shotgun stupidly thrown by Brother Sum as part of one of his spontaneous dances, and finally he's shown to be the one actually running the Axe Gang's illegal enterprises while Brother Sum practices choreography in the back room. He's not a good guy, obviously, but if you wanted to limit the chaos and mayhem caused by the Axe Gang, he is absolutely the LAST person you would want to remove from their leadership. Even in Pigsty Alley, he only became a threat to the inhabitants because one of them decided to lip off to him in front of his crew, obliging him to respond. All this to say, Sing setting in motion the events that get the vice-general of the Axe Gang killed by the Coolie really underscores how badly he hilariously screws up everything for everyone in the first half of the movie.

  4. All the details in the scene where the boss dances are masterpieces. I can understand a lot about the character's personality just from small movements and gestures.

    It's true that his appearance is cool, wearing a suit, carefull styled hair, because of power, money, being the boss of the gang. But there is also a degree of madness because just 1 second later his nature is revealed. First is the small dance before he uses the hammer, I understand that he will be a very funny person, not like many people say that at first he is cool but later become just a comedy factor. Then when he uses the hammer, he throws away his hat, his body shape is no longer cool and he even looks crazy.

    In the end, it is just a bunch of gangsters wearing expensive suits

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