Oh!! She was LIVID after he asked this question!!

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24 thoughts on “Oh!! She was LIVID after he asked this question!!

  1. Hey bozo, No one forced these people to take out loans to attend high priced colleges. No one. These spoiled turds actually think taking out a loan to pay for something they didn’t have the money for, is unfair! Wow.
    People who couldn’t afford college, couldn’t afford not to work even with a loan because we have families to take care of at young ages, are treated like crap. The actual hard workers

  2. Give me $35k and I'll do much smarter things with it than waste it on a useless degree. That would be a dream vehicle I'd like to buy plus paying for a years worth of rent (I'm technically homeless right now living with a friend of a friend), and I would STILL have about 13k left to invest in myself, my new career, and actual financial investments to make me more money… but of course, my government has done practically nothing to help make my life better and had instead done damn near everything in their power to try to ruin my life. Then people wonder why I'm so anti-government… yet more tax payer dollars being misused and misappropriated 🙄

  3. Those that graduated are not being crushed. The only people I know that have college debt all can make their payments, but they are choosing not to in the hope the Dems will erase their responsibility!

  4. Totally against student loan forgiveness (ie income redistribution) but don’t get it twisted- one is not privileged just because they went to college. Most likely busted their asses and took out debt to pay it off. Stepping up and working your asa off does not mean those who didn’t are victims. So sick of the BS victim hood mentality. Agree w you on most all other points.

  5. Can I have 35k to put towards my mortgage? I understand I entered into a contractual agreement to borrow and repay money with interest, but it is kind of expensive and I'd like the government to bail me out.

  6. Nbc abc cnn and all the rest are fake news. And the people getting crushed are the victims of the title 4d crime syndicate. Americans need to wake up. The government is a criminal organization.

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