Officer Runs Over College Student (Here’s What We Know So Far)

In our opinion, time to treatment was really quite fast. Unfortunately, there was little that could be done at that point. @3:39


22 thoughts on “Officer Runs Over College Student (Here’s What We Know So Far)

  1. Human instinct to run forward. That dude needed siren on. He was going too fast considering he can see very clearly there is construction and it could cause a problem! Use your common sense .

  2. was she wearing airpods or earbuds with noise cancelation. That would explain how she didn't hear a revving high speed car and prob was looking at her phone or the opposite way from which the officer was coming from. Seems really unlikely for a person who is walking on a well lit quiet street would get runover if they are actually looking where they are crossing, do the normal thing to look both ways and not looking at your phone and or blasting music with earbuds. Just seems really strange, like even if the light is green for you to cross you should still look both ways to see if people really stop.

  3. If somebody was at a stop sign and drove out into an intersection in front of a cop driving with their lights on, they'd 100% be at fault. But somehow some Marxist just jumps out into the street without looking and it's the cop's fault?

  4. I mean okay but crosswalk or not who the fuck just walks out into a street without looking? That's like 3 year old shit. He had his lights on the entire time. Like just stop and look, assess, and decide.

  5. I love how the cop got on the radio and out of his car so nonchalantly. What a fucking tool and sorry but she was obviously not paying attention whatsoever… whenever I cross the road I’m always watching both sides constantly.. stupid

  6. Every time I see this incident I have to wonder….
    Was the Drug user's life more important than this young woman's life !?!
    Possibly More important than a Caucasian Citizen !?!

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