NYPD Uncovered Something Very Interesting

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21 thoughts on “NYPD Uncovered Something Very Interesting

  1. Why can't the police simply speak with the people at the universities who establish this curriculum? Look at bank transactions and find out who's paying them. Subpoena phone records, email, social media… The professors teaching this dangerous crap are useful idiots, but there will be a connection to some deranged Batman villain somewhere in their history.

  2. They all have come out of the shadows thanks to PRESIDENT TRUMP, the question is HOW to prove all this. And I got a good feeling PRESIDENT TRUMP, when elected, will have the power to get the proof. That's why they want him out, gone, as we all saw even erased.

  3. Does the Bear poops in the woods?
    From day one of the first caravan, I’ve been saying and denouncing what this police officer is barely starting to suspect, there’s a huge organization behind all this. I know for sure that if you go to their countries, and you ask these people, organize a caravan and start marching from here to the US, they would ask you to go to hell, because they would never be able to find their way. The thick part of them, never walked a mile to the border, they were flown to the Mexican border by their government with the financing of Maduro and Soros.

  4. We need to pray against this evil the Lord will take care of it, but we’ve got to pray we’ve got to do our job. He knows where all the bad and the good is he created the earth, so wish get on our knees if we can, if not, do the best you can, but pray to the Lord and let’s drive this evil outand Jesus name

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