

  1. " leave the world behind" Movie ….i think it was an EMP that fries all electronic gear so all electronics unprotected by a faraday cage of some sort is toast.. No power grid

  2. It's always been the POLITICIANS about racial devide. THEY set all the social norms through the years. As a child in the deep south, now an older woman, I remember the rules, and the rules were very puzzling to me as to why we had segregation, and other issues which bothered me. I was very poor as a child so I did live in integrated neighborhoods, played with black children, ate at their home, and this only caused more confusion. Later my family moved to Baltimore to an integrated neighborhood during the 60's, went to an integrated school where we ALL got along. I want those peaceful days back!

  3. The great reset is something that has been spoken about at the international world financial forum with Bill Gates (who controls the largest portion of farmland in the US and promotes killing babies in African countries), George Soros and other elites which the DNC gets funded.

    There is going to be chaos. There is going to be a massive culture war. Democrats/GOP are shipping in millions that are not aligned with the US culture being a Constitutional Republic that was grounded in the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible was the foundation of the US, whether people want to believe it or not (hence the Declaration of Independence) and the US Constitution and laws and policies made up to the point where they started with the same-sex marriage then all laws have been based on atheism. The elites have their places to go for protection, but they can't hide from the One True living God/Christ.

    Always remember one thing. God/Christ has all Authority in the Heavens, on earth and under. God/Christ said fear not and that He would never put you in a circumstance that you can't handle (with Him). The workers of iniquity can do only one thing, make it more difficult to live on this earth which is dying. But they can only do that if God/Christ allows it. And if God/Christ allows it, it is for His glory. Christ is on the Throne and God has already put His King in Zion. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

  4. I too am a firm believer and I struggle with cursing but it's a message in different packages we have to speak our truth God lead me to this election I never voted and I realized it's God against the devil research is so important God is always victorious Trump is God's chosen our prayers cover him

  5. The worst thing that ever happened in America was depriving people of an education because of their race….destroying a man's mind and exploiting them for so many years, with the Plantation mentality was Demonrats policy… happy to see you guys have woken up and see reality….🙏🙏♥️

  6. I just.
    Come to the realization that how ironic black peophelp build America in the black people. Are you only orange can help us save a merrick to the right brother from You're white brother stay strong 1:11

  7. Hopefully we start having more gays for Trump too!! As a lesbian, I had just turned 18 when I first voted for him. This year, it will be my 3rd time!! ❤ Been a huge fan since his iconic golden escalator moment. And yeah I might be gay, BUT I AM 100% STRAIGHT for Trump ALL DAY EVERY DAY ❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙 LETS TAKE AMERICA BACK 🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024

  8. The US Government doesn't like President Trump. You look closely at both parties. There's bank accounts set up in jurisdictions that the US Government is protected from being searched. The media moguls have them as well.

  9. There is racists in all races. The difference is the media and liberals want you to believe it is only black people being the victims of racism. Hate to inform everyone white people have racism thrown at them too, the difference the white people don't let it cripple us. We move on and don't think about it. Just doing what you need to do to survive, I surround myself with people that is going to push me forward not hold me back, Don't see race see successful people.

  10. Brother In Christ, why are you speaking fear? Jesus ain’t tell you to go bunker down underground and hide Jesus straight say you don’t take a lamp and put it under the bed sit on top of the dresser so it may shine. There’s no fear for those who are in Christ Jesus, let the world bunker down. We will be on the mountain shining.

  11. The scariest part of all of this… People vote for Democrats JUST OUT OF SPIGHT. That's the horribly wrong reason. Man woman black brown white orange purple… If you can run our country as you protect us from other countries that's what matters. Lastly, our country and all the others… IS A BUSINESS! Who better to lead the most largest most powerful "companies(USA)"! Its not hard for use to extend a simple handshake or just be there for someone to vent before they go off the deep end etc

  12. They weren’t “BRILLIANT “ it was simple they yellled RASCIST !!! Over and over ,louder and louder, while bending rules for the black folks and calling white folks NAZIs over and over giving the purposely pissed off black folks a target and encouraging them to riot and allowing them to break ALL LAWS WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE… They also FORCED a local Corner to re-write his report from his inspection.. cause of death went from heart attack to death by suffocation…
    I knew he wasn’t killed by suffocation because you won’t find a person who’s airway been cut off could speak…it takes air to make sounds that create takes breathing to take in air to make those sounds and I heard multiple words “I can’t breathe ,over and over.” He was breathing..don’t believe me let someone cut off your airway then try to talk.

  13. Being Judgemental is what got us here in the first place ..grab ‘em’ by the BEEEEP!
    “ He can’t go up there and talk about people !” “ He’s supposed to sit back and take it, and not act like that”
    LIKE I SAID …”WHO GIVES A FUNKY FIVE FRESH FUNK!!!!!!!” Actions are the REALITY AND ACTIONS MAKE SHIT HAPPEN !! Promises without ACTION are just LIES!!!!!

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