No More Weekly Dev Updates For Suicide Squad – Luke Reacts

LINKS: — Luke Stephens is a Content-Creator and Streamer that co-streams on YouTube and …


49 thoughts on “No More Weekly Dev Updates For Suicide Squad – Luke Reacts

  1. These companies aren’t really activists though. Activists actually care about certain issues with the world and they advocate for change, whereas corporate activism is primarily just ticking off a checkbox in order to appeal to as wide a demographic as possible in order to maximize profits. They don’t actually care about important issues otherwise they wouldn’t be implemented so poorly. There’s no sincerity or authenticity in what’s being created and that’s why the game feels so soulless.

  2. Who's next? Is it the Ms. Freeze? Yeah, that looks bad. The basic idea of a role swap could be interesting in a standalone animated movie or graphic novel, but definitely not what anyone would want as a playable character.

  3. If I owned a Starbucks franchise, and I found out that the water was contaminated, and my coffee beans were coming in with rat droppings in them…and the building itself was on fire… then yeah, I would probably not make my employees work there. I might have to lay them off, sure… but I'm not going to call them in to brew bubonic long-pours as the Starbucks burns down around them – just seems like bad business sense.
    WB even remotely considering quality-of-life updates for this CORPSE of a game is so silly, I can't even imagine what kind of coffees they're drinking.

  4. "Batman is a Furry" You wanna start something, taffer? Bloody MAN-BAT would have been a great character to have in a good SuSquad game!

    In the "Justice League: Gods & Monsters" AU that guy is literally Batman.

  5. The worst thing is with the new character, Frost nor his daughter have been part of the Suicide Squad but you know who has? Killer Frost, if they wanted to use that sort of character, it would make perfect sense to use her, why they decided to pull a character from a alternate reality rather than one they have, i have no idea.

  6. My favorite part is thinking back to those dev diary videos where thwy all talk anout how great the game is…not sure i could just straight up lie to people with a smile on my face like that.

  7. I played this game right up to the end of the base game story and found out they did a bait and switch with defeating Brainiac, and you would have to wait for 12 seasons of content that you damn well knew were never going to happen when it launched. I wish I had my $70 back.

  8. The problem is it never occurs to these people that their activism is the problem and even when it does the message is above all else… people are so unbelievably sick of insufferable people destroying all our favorite ip

  9. I legitimately cannot believe how unbelievably terrible this game was and how everything about it was handled. Rocksteady quite literally did every single individual wrong thing for this game. Not even Marvel's Avengers or Gotham Knights failed as horrifically as this game.

  10. The thing about the Mrs. Freeze thing is that DC already has a Female, Ice type villain in Killer Frost. If you make the decision that you want another female playable character, why not use the female characters that already exist and are well liked. Instead, they just turned a well-known male character into a female character and yelled "LOOK LOOK FEMALE LOOK WE GOT ONE HERE! SHORT HAIR AND EVERYTHING!!!" That's not supporting women because they want to, that's supporting women because they want other people to SEE they are supporting women.

  11. Oh boy… this is not a good sign for the Studio either 😕. Big Games flopping nowadays is a death sentence for them now. I never brought the game out of principle, but I feel sorry for how it turned out for the ones that were interested

  12. I think I knew immediately after beating the story that this game sucked.

    It has nothing to do with the writing, or the bad launch, or even all the bad press it was getting on YouTube.
    It sucks specifically because once you beat the story mode there’s 0 reason to keep playing.
    The end game is to literally keep doing the same 3-4 missions again and again to raise difficulty and gain a better loot pool-
    So that you can keep doing the same 3-4 missions.
    The missions aren’t even fun, they all just boil down to you killing everything you see.

    I know people like to shit on Destiny or say that originally Destiny didn’t have so much content but-
    That’s like the blueprint to follow.
    People like mindless grinding but they need an incentive to keep doing it and Suicide squad doesn’t have that.
    No one wants to grind for a bigger loot pool just to keep grinding.

    In borderlands you’re grinding for golds and they ALL feel special or wacky.
    In destiny you farm for exotics-
    And in Destiny 2 you’re basically just farming for armor lmao.

    Suicide squad is the most boring, monotonous, repetitive, game I’ve ever played in my life.
    And that’s always what the main issue was gonna be. After the story there’s absolutely NO reason to keep playing it.

  13. The ceo of blackrock said they have to force this on to people bc people won't accept it and that is exactly what they are doing. That's why western games have ugly women in them which look more like men and that's why harley Quinn didn't wear her normal outfit and made that comment at the beginning of the game. It's why poison ivy was a child. And people didn't just have a problem that she didn't look like she should but also bc Harley Quinn basically hit on her even though she's a damn child. You can sit here and say it'll stop once they lose enough money but companies have been hemorrhaging money and still haven't changed. Look at Disney. They still won't listen to the fans they have left and continue to push their activist bs. It's also not going to stop with all the dei hires these companies keep hiring. That's why I don't care that people keep getting fired in this industry. I'm hoping it's the people that got hired only bc they checked a box. I would like to think with the layoffs and the money they keep losing that this is changing but look at Washington post. They have lost like half their subscribers and are losing millions of dollars and the people there are saying they need to hire more diversity, not qualified people that can get them out of the situation they are in but more people that check certain boxes. That won't fix anything. People can deny this is happening all they want but the truth is there has been tons of people hired over the last few years, not bc they are the most qualified for the job or even qualified to begin with, but bc they check a box. More people need to start calling this stuff out and stop being silent about it and stop giving them your money when they do it.

  14. I have no interest in The suicide squad as a property, don't care for this type of game, and outright despise what they did to the Arkham Batman. Having said all that, question my judgment if you want, but I don't understand why there's so much hate for this upcoming character. It's not going to save this game, nor should it, but this level of vitrol seems a bit much over one leaked image. Or is there more I haven't heard / seen?

  15. honestly, i still think this game got a lot of unnecessary hate, at least pre launch and opening week. the gameplay is still very fun for a few hours at a time. however, idk wtf they’re doing with some of the decision making and content choices. i’ll defend the gameplay being very fun until the game gets shut down, because it is objectively a very cool game for what it is, but idk how anyone can defend the choices they’re made as a studio. they’ve had every chance to pivot and fall back into Arkham content for characters, locations, etc ; easy cash grabs to sway people to at least log in. however, Rocksteady is notorious for not listening to their players, so i can’t say i’m surprised.

  16. When they were developing this trash pile why didn't they halt the breaks before a point of no return and just do something else. Like I understand that is an extremely difficult task but it better than making shit and hoping some whales or something hop on board and make it profitable.

  17. Rocksteady is pissing off everyone by trying to half-ass who they want to appeal to. Hard-core Joker fans hate him being called insecure and people that would enjoy a Year Zero Joker like that… don't get that in the game. People that would otherwise like or be open to what [Season 2 Character] might be like probably won't get anything out of them in game. [Season 2 Character] is probably gonna get a couple cutscenes on how they got where they are just like Joker and then just be Comic-standard version of Character but with less to them cuz they thought having [new feature] was a replacement for depth.

  18. Turning any old character into a child isn't necessarily a bad thing, but taking the most hyper-sexualized character in the series, and turning her into a child, is………weeeeeeiiiirrrrdddd.

  19. Cmon the next playable character is not shockingly bad, it's a damn of a stretch… it's just meh, uninteresting but it's not worse than nothing, the game is already trash af without you exaggerating on things…I was expecting something a lot worse by the way you were talking about it. Sure, I was hoping for a burger, they gave me a half baked cookie but it's not like they just shat on my dish

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