Nirvana – Season In The Sun (Official Video) [Remastered Video+Audio]
REMASTERED IN HD! If there are advertisements they’re by placed by the publishers/labels/artist- not me. I have never …
REMASTERED IN HD! If there are advertisements they’re by placed by the publishers/labels/artist- not me. I have never …
i hope you’re okay
Long live Kurt – knew too much too live any longer….
Oh now I know why Kurt did what he did, RIP!
People who attack Kurt’s voice he sang better than you and me. That's the best joke ever.
this is very sappy.
My third grade class sang this depressing song for a Xmas pageant. Gawd.
The Beach Boys rendition is still my favorite but this stands side by side with Terry Jacks.
I can't help with thinkmy likkle Kurt, his friend's where complicit in his suicide, I mean they must have worried about his as he is reputed to have Bi-polar disorder !!! They didn't care as long as they rode the wave of his stardom and fame, and good looks !!! That's my 2 cents$ anyway I just FEEL they wheren't there for him and it greatly annoys me. Ho was a poster boy for mental illness which we all have to understand and have more compassion for if we want a better world !!! 🙂
They should turn pro.
“Go Krist”…. Miss him so much. 😞
Terry Jacks
So sad, sadly empathy 😢
This is a horrible version!
the start of lazy era
I remember watching this on the DVD from the “With the Lights Out” box set and I was just crying my eyes out, it still makes me cry. I loved Nirvana as a teenager and I was crushed when he died, I still remember that day so vividly. We miss you Kurt. I miss Kurt and Nirvana so much. ❤️💔
i love this cover a lot
Love this
this is heartbreaking
The first song my first boyfriend sang to me. A beautiful rendition.
God damn it, Kurt.
Goodbye lyka my little one😢
Who's here in 2025
bang ini dollar hijau kah? soalnya kan ga kena copyright?
Everyone please gatekeep this song
Escutando essa desde 2024. (17/02/2025)