New Trump Ad Is Absolutely Amazing!

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47 thoughts on “New Trump Ad Is Absolutely Amazing!

  1. The dollar today has the same value as a peso😢 about a dime. Don’t believe me? Well today a house is $340,000. When the dollar was worth the dollar that same house would have been sold for $3400 back in the 1970s this is called runaway inflation folks.

  2. we have all seen and know that donny dump is a useless piece of sh.t. the dump is a liar, cheat, thief, draft dodger, traitor to the u.s.a. and a complete scumbag. i dont want that turd making a decision for my dog or yours. if you dont have a billion dollars then you and me are just sh.t on his and the gop gangs shoes. joe biden and the democrats are actually working for we the 99 percent of u.s. citizens, donny dump wants we the 99 percent to have zero rights, zero social security, no medical aid and have us all work for 10 bucks and hour with no benefits, if that happens, then we are just slaves for the billionaires. vote hell to the no on donny dump and the entire pathetic republican clan of scum, thats how we the people make the u.s.a. a better place for us to live.

  3. "Economy is strong as hell". Really, is that why we turned our heat OFF 3 weeks ago even though we are still in the low 30's at night? Why we dont treat ourselves to a meal out? Why my husband and I share a piece of meat at dinner? Why we suspended insurance on one of our vehicles and have it parked in the garage? Interesting….

  4. My best video by far, is the video of you coming forth and presenting this! As a strong black male you have such a strong voice to tell America about what it means to be an American! Thanks! Dr Jim

  5. Like the first in part because it alludes to the idea were you better of under Trump or Biden and it projects that idea into the future. What matters most to all people is not the past but rather what is the possibility of reaching my dreams in the future. There is but one race the human race and each of us is a minority of one. What makes this so is are hopes and dreams we all have similar hopes and dreams (we hope the children do well). What makes us a minority is the specifics of those hopes and dream ( that child has a name and is ours).

  6. the best was about the economy is my favorite. it shows his inability to see what he is truly doing to everyone. democrats and republicans are all hurting.

  7. All of them great! My favorite was #3. Because we, the people, are Trump's most outstanding concern, that affects EVERY ISSUE. It will decide EVERY DECISION Trump makes. Also, his love of country will color each decision. This is Sue, by the way, not Amber.

  8. Videos one and three. I truly love Trump! I donated to his campaign. We are lucky to have him, I can tell you that if Biden wins, our country will be similar to Venezuela. Vote for Trump in November, do not listen to the Democrats they spew nothing but lies.

  9. Sadly too many politicians can be bought and have been bought

    Trump looks at the issues to fix the issues
    To create a safer world
    A better economic system
    A stronger military
    A stronger Family environment

  10. Biden has Lewybody syndrome
    Look it up

    But that said Biden also is a perv,
    a 🤥 liar,
    He does not now or ever had the mental ability to understand Government

    He is a loser in every way

  11. If Trump wins 2024, the democrats will unleash the worst virus to ever attack mankind, especially Caucasians. The American taxpayer funded gain of function research that now targets race specific genomes. These democrats have become so deranged they will sacrifice their own electorate to retain power.

    Cheated in Law = Sold VPs office to
    Lied about his
    Sold VPs office to
    Plagiarized his
    Committed Quid
    Pro Quo to save his
    Lied about his
    addicted son.
    Framed General
    Lied about his
    Lied about being a
    Lied about being at Ground Zero on 911.
    Lied about witnessing collapse of a Pittsburgh
    Lied about being arrested at a Civil Rights
    Lied about visiting Pittsburgh synagogue.
    ⁃ Lied about being an 18-wheeler driver.
    Lied about his first wife's death, trying to blame
    an innocent driver when it was his wife's fault.
    Lied about reducing federal deficit by $1 trillion
    when he actually increased it by $3 trillion.
    Lied about being in top half of his class.
    ⁃ Lied about having three degrees in his
    undergraduate school.
    Lied about his "ancestors" working in the coal
    mines of

  13. Nancy Pelosi made 8 million in the stock market last week from what I've heard, Nancy Pelosi is worth 250 mily, the Biden economy works well for her and Democrats just like her, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren , Kamala Harris come to mind.

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