New Right Fights with Ryan Turnipseed

I’m joined by the esteemed Ryan Turnipseed as we discuss the history of the term “New Right”, and the battles between paleoconservatives, libertarians, Christian conservatives and neoconservatives throughout the 20th century and what this means for the second Trump administration.

Read Sam Francis’ Beautiful Losers:

Rothbard’s A Strategy for the Right:

The People’s Pottage:

The Betrayal of the American Right:

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23 thoughts on “New Right Fights with Ryan Turnipseed

  1. I understand the bafflement over MO passing the abortion amendment, Amendment 3. It passed due to 7 counties. The margin of defeat in the other counties was very large.

    The state of MO is bifurcated in culture and politics I can't speak much abou5 KC, but the St. Louis area is a world unto itself and has been since Germans began to move into St. Louis city in the 1840s. If you call MO a mid western state, you understand the political commitments of the white population of the St. Louis area, but you misunderstand the political commitments of the rest of the state. Most of rural MO is southern in voice, way of life, confession, and political commitments.

    The St. Louis area is predominantly Roman in confession yet, the city and two neighboring counties voted for Amendment 3. IMHO this reflects the increasing liberality, and individulaity of the American Roman laity. Something else to note is that to this day, people in the area love to define themselves in opposition to the "hoosiers" (St. Louis slang for southern, rural people). Thus, if the rural people oppose abortion, that's a sign that i need to favor it so that I don't get lumped in with backward rural people. A silly way to vote but I know people who think that way.

    So, a sad thing but the Amendment passed when by all measures, it should have failed.

  2. No doubt whatsoever, the Reagan promises were only partially fulfilled, then compromised away by GHW Bush. It's very frustrating to think back. Reagan to me now represents an interlude.

  3. Are you guys aware that you all sound gay? Like, you all have very effeminate voices and you have that gay lisp. Prudentialist, Distributist, I Hypocrite, Turnipseed etc. all sound extremely gay. It’s weird. You should all take up smoking or work in an oilfield for a year. I don’t know, just do something to stop sounding so effeminate.

  4. Great breakdown of the NeoCons. An excellent book on this for any interested is “The Neoconservative Revolution” by Murray Friedman. It spills all the beans so to speak.

  5. I am getting the impression that Ryan Turnipseed is what Richard Spencer refers to as a ‘racist liberal’. I deeply dislike this type. Basically there’s nothing glorious or beautiful to advocate for, instead what we are supposed to do is try to defend a more racist version of small town 1950s American South. I don’t find that appealing at all. I really hope these guys don’t get any traction, this is the least appealing version of the right. At least with the fascists you get something exciting even if it’s also evil – these guys it’s all about being a rural hick basically and believing bullshit about Locke and George Washington

  6. I am an Anglo southerner who converted to Catholicism. Nearly all the Anglos who take religion seriously at all are converting to Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Clinging to a dead label of ‘Protestant’ because some of your ancestors had that label is illogical- they didn’t hold that identity because it came from their ancestors, far from it! They held it in contravention of and contempt for their Catholic ancestors. They were woke progressives of their era. Now their great grandchildren are returning to the Church to repent of the sins of rebellion and leftism that the Protestant movement was all along

  7. The reason the New Right is Catholic is because the smart Protestants went woke, only anti intellectual Protestants remained on the right. And that happened because Protestantism is inherently leftist. Turnipseed insinuates a conspiracy because he is in denial about this fact.

  8. I watched last JRE episode with Mark Andressen and It jumped at me when he was talking about Elizabeth Warrens independent agency i was like "Oh the main thing He is about is banking for gambling, pimps, whores and drug dealers". You can also see it with Simone and Malcom Collins Insisting on taking the "Rigth Wing" label but their Calvinist disposition making them opose any movement torwards goverment social policy.

  9. Gentlemen this was an incredibly insightful conversation.

    Prude thank you for getting Ryan back on the airwaves.

    Easily the best 'post election analysis of the right-wing coalition' that I've seen to date.

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