New Red Dead Online Update HUGE Gold & Money EVENT Farming Methods – Get Rich FAST! (RDR2)

New Red Dead Online Update HUGE Gold & Money Faming Methods! Get Rich FAST (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE!


44 thoughts on “New Red Dead Online Update HUGE Gold & Money EVENT Farming Methods – Get Rich FAST! (RDR2)

  1. I love you Hazard but give it a rest and let it go. This is all for nothing now since there would be literally no reason to grind money/gold cause the significant support for this game is over.

  2. Bro who cares about extra money there is nothing to even buy In this game anymore , rockstar has abandoned it .. at this point it’s a Wild West simulation and the story mode is the only good mode worth replaying

  3. they literally JUST said on the newsire that RDO will no longer get major updates. Some telegram missions and "highlighting the wealth of existing content" is the rest of the road. Sorry to say. The time has come.

  4. Why should they continue updating a game that is filled with toxic players cheating, and too many exploits and bugs? I don't blame Rockstar for giving up 🤷🏽‍♂️ I think lots of players who are complaining about content are the same players who already destroyed this game. Yes, I am ready for the next gen & hopefully, Rockstar learn from their mistakes. & let's not forget the players who love to DDOS people because they suck in the game 🤷🏽‍♂️

  5. I went from like Rank 2 on Bounty Hunter to like 21 in a few hours of playing. The bonus is great if you're still somewhat new, that said I am disappointed on the state the game has been left in with little content for older players which as time goes I will one day hit that wall too and that's gonna be a sad day since the game is very fun.

  6. Lol I did not know this was part of the event. Thought it was just a regular mission because I'm new to the game. Was able to do all waves solo. I was like" why is this taking so long!?" Luckily I was able to loot ammo from bodies or else I would have been done. I guess to much apex legends lol. Was trying to pull a wraith.

  7. You can't even get players when you go into call to arms. it's double gold and no one plays it, or worse matchmaking is broken. So much lost potential for this game, Just add new items, horses, guns etc and make it all accessible with new currency. The old currency gives you access to the old items. I don't even care I'll gladly grind a new currency for new sets of items.Not too mention players have to buy the currency with real money to support the game i would do that too.

  8. Hello Hazard! I love your videos, they're top tier! I understand about blowing yourself up at wave 5 & restarting, but what I don't understand is what about ammo?? There are ammo crates, but they don't give you very much ammo and I don't know of any way you can purchase any in between retrying C2A again. What do you usually do?

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