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37 thoughts on “NEW EVIDENCE Shows Pastor’s Wife Mica Miller DIDN’T UNALIVE HERSELF?

  1. she killed herself!!! and the pastor feels guilty that he mis treated her… but at the end of the day ,,, she killed herself!!! so,, if the pastor is having sex with other women,, thats on him,,, doesnt mean he killed her!

  2. I said this a while ago, but the footage of her buying the gun… I think she was buying that for protection. And apparently he tried to have her cremated before the family could get a private autopsy. The parents are so inspiring. They won’t give up til they have answers. ❤

    I think he definitely is responsible for this. In one way or another.

  3. Pretty girl. Goes to show no matter how pretty no matter how hot no matter how attractive…
    There is a guy out there that is sick and tired of them and wants nothing to do with them.

  4. I think it’s odd that she dressed in all black that day. Like she was dressing for her own funeral. But also. Now I’m writing this a month after you posted this video but they also have some proof that she was followed. If you look at the footage of her in the pawn shop there was a man that followed her in and out. I actually believe it was 2 diff vehicles

  5. I think he pushed her to kill herself and not just the pastor pushed her to kill herself I believe the church itself and everybody there treated her indifferently treated her like she was crazy and what she was seeing or hearing wasn't going on. Because usually when a pastor has problems with somebody in church they outcast that person. Jesus Christ is my Savior

  6. Glory to God a pastor should not be taken part in church if they are in sin he who knows knows that God will bring everything to light and I he would have been better not to know him then to have known him and rejected him. Just so you know when you separate yourself from the Lord after knowing him 7 legions of Demons will attach themselves to you so I am sorry those were not ants. Jesus Christ is my Savior

  7. 2024 the year of Christian pastors exposed as frauds. This man JP killed his wife, but his flock worships him like a false idol. Another Pastor Mr Morris had intimate relationship with a 12 year ild girl, Mr Morris apoligy was he was sorry for an extramarital affair with a young lady, 12 year old is NOT a lady, heck she is not even a teen. 12 year old is a child.

  8. I knew it I just my antenna and GODS wisdom with his predatory actions attitude I FEEL for her so bad!! just from someone who grew up in a home with tht kind of mental manipulation and by GODS Power my faith and right mind through CHRIST it’s Sadducee’s the devil schemes of people who are in a cycle of Abusr and NEVER take their While heart to GOD broken and TIRED of it Enough the LORD showed me in Number scriptures and confirmations of me in my desperation LORD Change me I can’t get their ostrich heads out of the sand but me YOU CAN HV all of me HE SHOWED me that I AM going to use you to break the cycle of abuse

    PAINFUL and spoke up and wa scary out by my Christian parent with my son being used to dump my Some if my belongings on the porch of a Christian woman who took me in I was home less and had NOTHING But the Promise of the LORD And hv been on a journey preaching to other broken people I would not had access to and being in shelters. – [ house stable now ] to show them my deviation and should have LOST my mind but by GOD!!!!!! Underline high light embolden
    Any success it’s ALL my Boasting is JESUS

  9. She was baby sitting somebody's children, and had an affair with a married man with a wife and children. She deserved that creepy pastor. Both morally bankrupt

  10. these "pastors" …wolves in sheeps clothing…give great occasion for the enemies of God to blaspheme. What if all those "ants he feels crawling on him" isn't retribution and torment to get him to repent before he gets taken out or kills himself if he is guilty…😢This is just wrong…wrong..wrong

  11. I knew it I’ve been saying that they Probly threatened that if she didn’t call and say she killed herself, that they would hide her body from her family and they’d never find her so she Probly agreed to say she was killing herself so that her family could find her body that’s why she was so adamant about the 911 operator finding where she was on the 911 call. That’s another reason witnesses were hearing screaming and crying in the woods where she died as well.

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