Nazi Tattoo Guy Starts Ramming Police
0:00 Stolen Car Suspect
1:34 Pepper Spray & Chase
2:58 Head-On Traffic
4:15 Chaos in the Median
6:25 Ramming Cops
7:55 What is it like to get rammed?
9:22 Stolen out of Minneapolis
10:25 Sentencing Info
God. people wearing the S.S tattoo they should be sent to jail and never released. All people believe in nazism and white supremacy
The cop had every opportunity imaginable, to stop him long before he got in his car and fled.
the way the main cop ends every sentence with "so" is soooo annoying
Fuck tazers, go back to extendable night sticks. They work 100% of the time.
Nazi can't breath? Good.
Hold up, how did a cop let a middle aged obese man get the better of him and get into a car?
The Nazi has meth? Some things never change
shoot legs ??? i dont get it…
Why'd you hit me? HUH?
Manages to get in and escape
It’s funny that the Nazi thinks he has any right or protection in this country
WTF. That was pathetic.
Lol "slappers only"
I would like to be able to say what I think but I would get edited. It has something to do with firearms and stopping someone's shit permanently.
These White "Supremacists" aren't the brightest folk now are they?
A chase starts: Moving at 5 mph. Seriosuly dude was driving so slow, why didnt they do anything about it.
Another failed taser deployment. Shocking.
“We wrestled in the parking lot” my man, you did not 😂
Racist trump supporters
The cop was given so many chances to prevent the guy from going into that car. It was like a game tutorial. HOW DO YOU LOOSE AT THE TUTORIAL?!?!!!
Georgia don't play like that !
Behold, the master race! 🙄
The cop being poorly trained and without assertive action put every motorist at risk by letting him get into that car. Weak.
Also, when the police are talking about what he did the lights make it look like a bad trip
How the fuck was he driving while having been pepper sprayed???
7:00 "Don't hit me! Don't hit me! I CAN'T BREATHE! I CAN'T BREATHE!" What do you think this coward said after George Floyd said those final words? 'Cause it wasn't something sympathetic.
It's always the people who have nothing to be proud of who put all their self-worth in the race they happen to have been born into.
People may accuse this white supremacist of being a lot of things, but he will never be accused of rational decision making. "There were very fine people on both sides."