Natural Ways to Improve Eye Health and Prevent Disease

Learn how to Improve Eye Health and Prevent Disease Naturally! In this live stream, we review the published science of lifestyle …


40 thoughts on “Natural Ways to Improve Eye Health and Prevent Disease

  1. I’m a a 60-year-old woman watching from Winterhaven Florida and would like to know more information about optic neuropathy/optic nerve damage

  2. Hi I suffer from Retinitus Pigmentosa at present I am told there is no cure for it. It's very frustration i love playing sport and now not able to play sport with the limited eye sight it is though everything is been taken away from me and I feel why am I still living

  3. I'm just going to throw this out there, but at the moment, I'm having to wear safety goggles to watch movies or play video games because of dry eye. Drops help, for about 3 minutes. If exercise helps, I can't tell a big difference. Maybe walking 4 miles a day isn't enough?

  4. Hi dr, love your videos ❤
    I suffer from eye disease since I had Graves’ disease . Past year I feel like when I wake in the night my right eye can’t open unless I put in lubricant eye drops ? Have u heard of this kind of symptom ever and is this dry eye related?

  5. Dr Allen my vision is only 30 % very poor vision.
    Question, the eye lenses to wear when we sleep 💤
    You think that will improve my vision? How long ? What % will increase?
    Thank you very much

  6. Physical stretches in hataa Yoga along with right breathing is intrinsically intertwined . . connected to de Endocrine glands hence releasing serotonin happy hormone, 🎉 ❤. 🎉 ❤

  7. Hi hello 😊can you help me doc because my son is having a abnormal size of cornea its size 14 how bout the normal size is 10 how bout that and other that her eyes it's little glitch and my observing about my son is low vission ,,, how bout that doc,,, please help my son 🙏🙏🙏

  8. Barbados I don't have glaucoma to my knowledge 1.Dry eyes 2. Detached retina & care of eye after removal of silicone oil what position to sleep in after the surgery to remove silicone oil from eye

  9. Hi from Palm Springs CA

    I’ve been dealing with a chronic stye that is not reacting to antibiotic ointment and heat. I have seen several Optomologist and still have this Stye, it’s going on 2 years.

  10. I have a 5 year blurry left eye although my left eye was injected with Avastin after my accident that caused macula edema. I feel pain all over my left eye along with my head in pain and dizziness. I try to take eye vitamins as I also have brain aneurysm and intestinal disorder. Are there anti cancer medications to fight my pains on my eye, my head and my intestine altogether ?

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