*Nationwide* Extradition For This

0:00 The Chase
0:50 Off Road #1
2:42 Off Road #2
6:30 Off Road #3
7:20 Passenger Jumps
9:50 *More( Off-Road
11:35 Oncoming Lanes of Traffic
13:20 Through the Elementary School
14:20 Through the High School
15:00 Conclusion & Sentencing


43 thoughts on “*Nationwide* Extradition For This

  1. Everyone is talking about how beautiful the sky is, how well the cars are doing in the snow. Im thinking the downside to rural areas like this is your back up is not 2 minutes away its 20 minutes away and the one thing that is probably at the back of the officers mind is how much fuel do i have and how long will it last at these speeds

  2. I love the dual bailout by the suspect passenger and the officer. Like "Nah, we aint letting you escape cus there's only one cruiser here. Get in custody, mf."

  3. Sounds like BS, Probably the driver was the son of someone important, never heard of a police department stopping a chase even worse if the suspect its armed.

  4. All that only for cops to back off and terminate and then bro only gets 3 years? Lmao man, it really is the time to be a criminal. Chances of you getting away or getting off light is in your favor.

  5. People who run from the police exist on close to the highest level of stupid. They will get caught, their charges will be more serious–not to mention the fact that they seriously endanger their lives and those of others. If they crash into other cars, their charges will be even more serious and they'll face lengthy prison sentences. Stupid. The kid gets out after a long chase and says of the driver, "He was just getting his mail." Hilarious.

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