Movies That NEED a Sequel: Part 1

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23 thoughts on “Movies That NEED a Sequel: Part 1

  1. It didn't get one because the folks who want it to have one now are the same people thay didn't like the movie when it came out. It would've been great to have a sequel to it and have the original Green Ranger make a cameo as the parent to the new one.

  2. The 2017 movie was overhated. The only thing I wish they changed were to have more action than drama and not have them suit up at the end. Power rangers has the potential to be on screen and be a success but they just need the right studio and director

  3. Im with you man the 2017 Power Rangers movie is CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED and deserved a sequel and sadly we may never get one at this rate which truly sad since it had so much potential and gave a whole new dimension to Power Rangers

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