Minnesota pile-up won’t stop (November 2021)

00:00 – 00:15 Pedestrian contact
00:15 – 00:45 Pickup strikes vehicles and close calls
00:45 – 01:20 White van crash + multiple close contacts
01:20 – 01:30 Another crash sends trooper running
01:30 – 02:00 Black car crashes into concrete wall
02:00 – 02:45 Multiple ambulances + triage
02:45 – 03:20 View of scene
03:20 Recovery efforts

2021-11-13 08:23 AM central time. MN 77 northbound: Crash.
Between I-35E and Cliff Road (near Apple Valley).

Multiple vehicle crash at secondary location. Multiple ambulances requested for injuries.


30 thoughts on “Minnesota pile-up won’t stop (November 2021)

  1. Most of the time people are driving way too fast. I understand 5mph over speed limit but some people need to slow down because accidents like this could be up ahead

  2. Cop caused catastrophe,why are they sitting there watching and not stopping traffic? Popo getting cut from insurance like they do with radar guns? Police are the greatest threat to your life,health,safety,property and freedom

  3. I will never understand how stupid are for standing out there on the road or very near by…plus if the road is that icy why does the POLICE not send a squad back a mile and slow traffic down …

  4. I'll never understand why people don't immediately get off the road, off the median and beyond the barrier if they are able when a situation like this arises. I understand being scared, but damnit, protect your life, people! Get to the safest place possible as fast and as safely as possible, and that is off the road and beyond the barrier.

  5. It genuinely amazes me how all these people in the broad day light can see this huge pile up crash yet they choose to go flying right through it, Not to mention Those people who tried to walk through caused another pile up if they wouldve just fucking waited and not tried to walk so close to the line while cars were obviously not driving safely then that wouldnt of happened but again Another situation Of not a single person paying attention to their surroundings

  6. what gets me is this is in day light and you think they see a three cars across the freeway they would slow down…….. the way white car and pickup throw in you think they never saw them

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