It will not tranish Mike Tyson's legacy because he is past his prime and people will understand that he is 57 there is no way that him getting ko Ed by Jake Paul will tranish his legacy
He better go the fuck out of Jake Paul I'm going to be extremely pissed off of he wins and I want a fight not no fake crap like in WWE I already haven't liked the Paul bros for a few years now
DABLIU DABLIU EE🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥
In the end they both knew what they are doing, both are getting good money , personally don't like Jake
People are so hypocrite imagine someone told you to fight a 60 year old legally for 10 million dollars what are you gonna say , everyone gonna say yes
Now the figth is official jake cant hide anymore he's gonna have to deal with iron mike
" Mike will tarnish his legacy for a good payday "
Thats what he did for the movie Liger
He has got disrespected too much hes mad😂
Dablu dablu he
Who cares. Date please.
i think he still can beat him
Why are people underestimating mike😢
Can't spell WWE even right 😂
Bro shut up don’t disrespect wwe
scripted* asshole not fake its diffrence
Cant even fight people who is equally strong
So well spoken, hats off.
Big Mike will win and we know it
It will not tranish Mike Tyson's legacy because he is past his prime and people will understand that he is 57 there is no way that him getting ko Ed by Jake Paul will tranish his legacy
Bros gonna call out muhamed ali next
Next Jake Paul is going to summon Muhamad Ali from Kabristan to box him 😂😂
I love you.
Dont foget mike tyson ra**d a women
"It's the lowest level of YouTube Clickbait" So i'm gonna use it for YouTube Clickbait.
Any amateur level real life boxer can beat Jake Paul. It's sad we live in a streamer world now so Jake Paul will have all his kid fans behind him 😂
how will mike tyson tarnish his reputation, he's literally retired
That is fake, this guy just wants views
Boxing was mostly rigged, even in the past.
So I'm not surprised.
If jake wins: a boxing legend lost to a kid
If mike wins: jake can't even fight a 57 yo
He better go the fuck out of Jake Paul I'm going to be extremely pissed off of he wins and I want a fight not no fake crap like in WWE I already haven't liked the Paul bros for a few years now
Mike Tyson is broke maybe 😂
20 years past his prime*
Wwe is not fake it's called pre determined
Props to tuson tarnishing his legacy as a very legendary fighter for a good payday