Mike Tyson meets Hasbulla
Watch as Hasbulla, the viral sensation taking the internet by storm, sits down with Mike Tyson to discuss his massive popularity …
Watch as Hasbulla, the viral sensation taking the internet by storm, sits down with Mike Tyson to discuss his massive popularity …
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I’m overwhelmed by your views on this edit I did. I want to keep making these edits but YouTube won’t monetize this channel. your support means the world THANK YOU AND THANK YOU GUYS!
If Mike Tyson says you a child, you a child.
Almost lost his ear 👂
Ему вроде где-то 20 лет), а он с ним как с ребенком играется
Good thing he ate before the meeting
Joe Biden 👀
HES 19
"Whats with the attitude from… this lost child?" Mike to Hasbulla
🤣🤣 little man being treated like a baby
Hire him as dwarf in snow white movie
2 legends together 💪💪
Just found out dude 22yrs old…this the funniest shit I ever seen 😂😭😭😭💀💀
Wow… even Russian babies are terrifying… what a crazy country!
Just to remind u hasbulla is 22 years old
These almost reminds me of FGTeev edits
Mike just did not know that Hasbula is just an ungrown ass man 😂😂😂
BEST VIDEO EVER, jveux rien savoir
Yo Mike, that's a grown ass man. What are you DOIN' 😂
Mike Tyson : Wow that hurt i was told he is just a toddler 😂
son gays?
No doubt Mike thought Hasbulla was a baby, and nobody dared told him anything different 🤣
When Mike Tyson blows raspberries on you, you thank God that’s the worst thing happening to you by him
He thinks he's a baby 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hasbulla déteste qu on le prenne pour un bb
You can clearly see he really insisted to bite he`s ear off
He gets FLUSHED and so do you
That a grown ass man bruh
What > Hisbollah???
Ill never understand why tyson is held in any high regards besides his ability to fight hes a complete dumbass who i wouldn't trust to watching my dog
Immersive translate is great for subtitles. I definitely recommend it
That thumbnail 👂💀
Man abuser (in ring) blowing raspberries on animal abuser… world is F***ed
tyson daddy moments 😀
"Mike he's 18 years old Mike!!! Leave him"
Id punt it
I know Hasbulla hates when people do that. Thats what he gets for thinking his disability allows him to hit people and be disrespectful.
Going for the ear
Bro was covering his ear before Mike got hungry again
Mike Tyson doing collaborations with terrorists now
"Not my ear not my ear"
aww cute, bearded baby.
ngl if i was hasbulla i just go with flow 😂
He said he will eat your children lol
some body remind that hasbulla is 28