Midwest Wrong Number #shorts

Since I got ya on the line… 📞 #shorts

Feat. @billydeuce86 #teamtoro

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48 thoughts on “Midwest Wrong Number #shorts

  1. I feel like this is possible to do. Certain sizes of wrenches might be more commonly used, he knows the sound. Knows that everyone seems to be buying that product right now. Knows how everyone had the same mistake at first😂. Legend.

  2. Working at a motorcycle shop, we'd always get this old boy from Michigan trying to call an industrial agriculture machine part store near his home (in texas so no clue how he got the numbers messed up) but it was always a 30 minute conversation and he was always super nice. Left a good review about our friendliness and good service once. Lol

  3. A family from the east coast sends my family a Christmas card every year to my mother. They have the wrong address, same name, wrong person. For like 20+ years my mom's been getting Christmas cards from this person, my moms kind of attached and won't tell the person she has the wrong person. My mom's seen pictures of this strangers grand kids be born, grow up, and become adults.

  4. Table saws aren't the only dangerous ones. My dad almost completely severed his right thumb with a circular saw a few years back. It's never looked or worked the same since the surgery.

  5. If the rash started at the belt line it could very well be caused by the belt itself see a lot of metal belt buckles have nickle in them, and nickle can cause a rash aka contact dermatitis. I suggest trying out a new belt they sell ones that are guaranteed to be nickle free.

  6. Psh. Dats dah reasin i tock chew you. How are yah? I am all the way ouwit hier on dah west cose. Noboday unahstands when i speak Chicago slash osconsin. So, you know i had to adjust my axcent for em all. Cant wait to get to elgin. Or lake geneva. Oh jeez

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