Miami Dolphins vs. Baltimore Ravens Live Stream Free Watch Party With Play-By-Play – NFL Week 17

Miami Dolphins vs. Baltimore Ravens Live Stream Free Watch Party With Play-By-Play – NFL Week 17 Miami Dolphins vs.


11 thoughts on “Miami Dolphins vs. Baltimore Ravens Live Stream Free Watch Party With Play-By-Play – NFL Week 17

  1. One thing is for sure,eventual SB winning teams do not go onto win that game after getting blown out right at the end of the season by damn near 40 points,this season is ending like the last 3 Tua seasons,getting dismantled by the real contenders and Tua playing his worst ball,not to mention we should have taken heed as they couldn't win a primetime game to save their life,excluding a come from behind win vs Cowboys who have the identical makeup of Miami!!I think we've witnessed Tuas ceiling which statistically is on par with TANNYS best seasons in Miami and yet somehow Tua is head and shoulders above him,yet Tanny never had a scheme and a pair of WR'S that Tuas got and I would even give the edge to Tanny because not only was his best yr damn near identical thru 16 games but he also added 300 yards rushing and was far tougher!!And I was not a huge fan of his was always on the fence just like I've been with Tua,this team has all the makings to do something but it seems maybe McD isn't HC material after all?!Poor judgement may have just cost his team the season,wtf would u leave ur starters in down 30 at the time??Not to mention his play calling left much to be desired quite often during the season and most of their numbers came from the first several wks of the seasons

  2. I have been a dedicated Dolphin fan since the team’s inception 1966. This is the most disappointing loss I have witnessed as a fan. They were never in the game. I can handle a loss but a blowout with so much riding on the last two games of the season. Don’t think we will go too far in the playoffs this season, next year once again. It’s getting old saying next year even though the Marino years. 😢Miami just doesn’t have what it takes to beat a top team with the exception of Dallas. I am not being negative just realistic.😢

  3. Defense obviously was bad, tua is a 2 second qb. Oh boy he can not throw on the run, he can not run for yardage. In the nfl you have to perform under pressure. Or draft 5 500lb lineman who can passblock and runblock. From here out its tough teams.

  4. Unfortunately, roster has reached
    it peaky and it’s found wanting (pacifically in the offensive line and defense) unfortunately for the Dolphins that GM of theirs it’s going to be drafting for them.

  5. Tyreek Hill dropping a wide open TD again is emblematic of the type of team we are,to many mistakes from the skilled players all year. Our speed has made bad teams look stupid but every game against a good team it's been drops,fumbles and int's. We are now limping into the last game of the season playing Buffalo for the AFC East title. Is it just me or does it feel like Buffalo has had there sights on this game since they turned there season around against the Chiefs? 🧐

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