Menstruation, Menopause, and Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

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35 thoughts on “Menstruation, Menopause, and Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

  1. Peter is you read these… I’m on estradiol, progesterone and testosterone cream. What number do consider to be low enough to prescribe that to a woman? My female functional practitioner thinks its necessary for me now im wondering if thats true

  2. If I understand you right Peter
    The treatment has been to change a totally natural level of hormone only because SOME women are "susceptible" for SOME reason to PMS symptoms
    I would say
    The target is never to change the natural level of hormone
    But to change the "susceptible" part and leave the hormones alone
    WHAT is making those particular women susceptible… That is the root of the problem.
    I am past menopause
    I never SUCCUMBED to the BELIEF that society tried to pound into my mind…that I would get menopause symptoms
    And I NEVER did
    And I only ever got cramps for my menstrual cycle never a mental breakdown
    My menstruation gradually tapered off with no ill effects
    Have you been studying the mindset, The psychology… Of the women you say are susceptible to PMS?
    Would it be too controversial because you would be called a misogynist for suggesting it's a psychological issue?
    What about a diet and exercise issue?
    Or a combination of the two
    Why must we always mess with Mother Nature?
    I would be looking at the woman's psychology and at their lifestyle to see how well THAT followed Mother Nature… Just a logical PuRRspekTIV from a layman❤
    And if the world needs a woman to say it… Because the world's psychology is messed up too… I will say it for you ❤

  3. I believe that the menopauze helped me to devellop my awareness. The symptoms came when i felt scared, anctious, overwhellemd. And my bodyvhelped me to become aware of all this. I think it is for a reason the menopauze kicks in. Where are the woman in this ibterview? What do guys know?

  4. I have tried bioidentical estrogen and had scary side effects after 3 days. I experienced the same symptoms when I was on birth control years ago, and I had to stop for fear of blood clots. It's extremely hard to find relief of post menopausal symptoms after a full hysterectomy. For those women who can use it and it helps them, I am relieved and happy for you because menopause symptoms are so hard to manage on our own.

  5. So I’ve had a hysterectomy but have my ovaries
    Do I need estrogen?
    I need help and no one is helping me
    I have lots of menopause effects in my body I’m 45 and they just keep giving me anxiety meds and pain meds and physical therapy
    Please help me know how to imply I need hormone

  6. So im 50 and been perimenopausal since i was 36, i still have a regular bleed, i am not on any HRT and since having my first mammogram and discovering i had a fibroid angioma in one of my breast, i know that HRT would increase my risk of breast cancer. I treat all my symptoms naturally, pretty much because i wasnt listened to by the Doctors for years. Changing eating habits is essential as you go through this stage in life. I continue to adapt and keep things under control naturally. It is interesting what has been shared, but whilst going through this is a normal process i often wonder if our symptoms are exacerbated nowadays due to the foods we consume. What did women experience 200+ years ago, no synthetic foods then

  7. I had a really bad traumatic experience in my life at 43 and my cycle stopped that day. I’m 49 next month and I’ve been on HRT for about 3 years. I’ve gained so much weight but only in my stomach. I look like I’m 9 months pregnant. It’s depressing because it all happened so fast. My OBGYN basically told me that’s how it goes. She’s pretty old school and seems used to not having any answers to any questions I have. I never had any symptoms of being premenopausal since it went straight into it. Hot flashes, night sweats… all that. I’m scared that there is an underlying issue since it happened suddenly. Not once did she take my blood to check any levels. How would I know which are best for me? I don’t know if I’m better off without them since my situation is different. I keep seeing ads for MIDI and Wynona. Not sure if those are any better. This is confusing for a bunch of us women because it isn’t talked about enough and if we ask questions we get short “answers” and no actual confirmation or conclusion of anything.

  8. If women change their diet and lifestyle all those issues disappear. Women never used to be this sick and women who still follow traditional diets DO NOT have these issues. Why isnt anyone talking about this? Our diet and lifestyle affects our hormones which affects the presentation of a sickness. I changed my lifestyle and diet and FREED myself. Can't believe Women were given horse estrogen! My goodness.

  9. I’m excited hearing about this right now ❤ omg I love y’all. These are the babies thinking about their Moms ❤❤ I do have more test. Love men that are so interested in us because men are our intrigue and study because we women are just trying to live. ❤ men like you all. These are your babies and it should be a permanent study. My grandma died of Osteoporosis sadly 😢 these are the men that are accepting challenges as a doctor lol we are complicated. It’s not our fault. Not even women are Intune to our bodies because they are studied in men’s predictability.

  10. Male newborns have spikes of testosterone and it continues from birth.When they " suppress" that then they actually kill the patient no matter what they identify as.The body doesn't identify with identifiers,pronouns or how the patient thinks or feels

  11. I had a full hysterectomy & i can not function without progesterone. I've got to take it 2wks on, then 2 wks off. I literally couldn't get out of bed, couldn't sleep. Its was horrendous, even my husband thought i was broken. So the theory, that you dont need progesterone if you dont have a womb obviously needs to be looked at as well. Hrt isn't a one size fits all

  12. If only all doctors recognized menopause as an actual medical issue to deal with. I will never forget when the doctor told me that removing my ovaries wouldn't affect my life in the least. I was 33. I am 50 now and I've been messed up the entire time. I never slept deeply again. I feel hot constantly. Not hot flashes. Hot 100% of the time. For some reason when estradiol irritates my pancreas. I need HELP!

  13. I was ignored for 10 years, I lost 10 years to mental health issues that I now realise were exacerbated by menopause. I'm on no HRT never have been and have no more symptoms but that 10 years I will never get back. I lost much and the doctors I saw never made the connection. Why is it I can!

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