McEnany: These are ‘devastating’ emails
The ‘Outnumbered’ panel discussed their reaction to David Morens’ testimony as lawmakers accuse him of covering up critical …
The ‘Outnumbered’ panel discussed their reaction to David Morens’ testimony as lawmakers accuse him of covering up critical …
Scheme? No! Conspiracy!!
^^^^^What happens when you give the government more and more power……
You’re wasting your breath. Nothing will happen to any of these swamp rats.
This is propaganda.
The previous conspiracy that Dr. Fauci was covering up the lab leak theory and the virus origin theory, were simply people in the CDC rejection the unsubstantiated and unscientific claims some people made that that those theories were definitely true. That was not known.
Sen Mfume promts him to plead the 5th….interesting
Admitting a small frime to cover up a big one
Put them in jail.
Everything always points back to filthy corrupt Fauci and Peter Ballsack Dazak
I’m surprised he didn’t say he thought the G in Gmail stood for Government
Where’s James Corden, that propagandistic ball of lard for Anthony Faucist, to share with us his thoughts on this?
This shouldn’t come as any surprise… it was all orchestrated & the fallout from those ‘vaccines’ has yet to be seen. This wasn’t an accident!
Some beautiful women on that panel 😍
Mr science??? Science for us but not for the caravans of illegal immigrants. Why? Not a single vaccine mandatory for the illegal immigrants. No travel restrictions for the illegal immigrants. Since 2020 this has been going on. The borders widely open. No FBI or CIA corrupt at the borders. Only focusing on how to disrespect and dethrone Donald trump from MAGA.
At this point, call me a "conspiracy theorist" ONE…MORE…TIME!😡😡😡
They have destroyed peoples life.
It's hard to swallow. Is this Donald trump faults?
Double standards pandemic covid19. 2 yrs of lock down, vaccine mandatory, travel restrictions etc…but at the same time allowing millions and millions of illegal immigrants to enter freely and illegally to the USA without any restrictions. No vaccine mandatory for them why is that? Transporting illegal immigrants nightly by plane all over the USA unbelievable business Biden must be held accountable for treason.
All conspirators must be held accountable from politicians to fake news medias conspirators. Manipulators.
This little gremlin needs to be rounded up, AND FAST!😡😡😡
Corruption is the new talking point daily of this administration!
The government lied shocker.
So when they going to put fauci in jail?
America was a sleeping giant until Japan attacked pearl harbor, "we the people" are in acoma.
Nothing will ever happen. It never does. Just lots of talking.
These are the same people who are planning to try to take control of our personal health decisions.
I don't recall any exceptions for "dark humor" in the FOIA laws.
They thought we are stuip 😊
They lied to us , covered up . 😊
What is the point of all this inquiry, because non of them will be punished, paper tigers😂😂😂
We pay for all these investigations and we already know they lied to us from the start so when is it enough of wasting our tax money on these jokes and start locking up these scumbags
You loudmouths are aware you're either knowingly or unknowingly doing exactly the thing your bellowing about, right?
We all knew there was a cover-up but everybody had to go and act like we were all stupid!!!!!
Here’s the fact. Unless we Americans start standing up and UNITING , NOTHING WILL CHANGE. We can cry on social media until we die. Do something or continue to eat the garbage they shovel down our throats. You make the choice !
Lock them up
Can we sue china and are government for this.
These swamp creatures don’t throw other swamp creatures in jail. That’s why we don’t see no one going that have rank.
We are in a crisis with are government.
It’s a coup your seeing. Government against its people. Take care of your self America.
These swamp creatures don’t throw other swamp creatures in jail. That’s why we don’t see no one going that have rank.
We are in a crisis with are government.
It’s a coup your seeing.
Are government is not what we think it is nothing but traitors and throw in the media. It’s a coup it’s done right in front of us. They are clever and organized swamp creatures. The devil has these people by the balls.
The light will be with you a little longer.
Are government is not what we think it is nothing but traitors and throw in the media. It’s a coup it’s done right in front of us. They are clever and organized swamp creatures. The devil has these people by the balls.
The light will be with you a little longer.
Fauci , guilty of treason!🎉
I don't know who the last lady talking is in the pink dress, BUT SHE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO TOLD THE TRUTH.
The other two were wishy washy and back up the dreamy government types – never state reality even after it is handed to you in your face, always go easy and make excuses so the demoncratic government can get away with it
He is the biggest serial killer alive and needs a sentence worthy of those crimes!!!
Lisa Boothe… Covid was very deadly in its first wave through my region. I worked directly with Covid ill people all day long for 3 weeks just trying to keep them alive. I saw first hand what it could do. However the people involved in the deceit, cover-up, and misinformation about Covid should pay harsh consequences, possibly with their life after conviction of the horrible crimes that interfered with response to the disease and cost so many lives.
You can delete e-mails but they still remain on the e-mail servers for a period of time, in many cases multiple servers. Search the servers in question.