Master This Core Move
One of my favorites for building true core strength and balance. Master this bodyweight core move that also strengthens the lats, …
One of my favorites for building true core strength and balance. Master this bodyweight core move that also strengthens the lats, …
Let's see a one arm one leg push-up.
Great core exercise!! Great physique!!
Aside from great nutrition and strength training what should we do to reduce love handles and side fat ?
You have sexy muscle..
You keep getting more beautiful
Anyone think he is a tiger in the sack?
Hi, which set of exercises/muscle group day should I add this to?
Soy un seguidor de tu canal, me gustaría ver si hay traducción al español??
Loved this exercise 👏
Excelente..pero podría ser en castellano.. si no hay inconvenientes
Jesus man – this is really something )) keep up these videos pls. It's great content, and finally someone who SHOWS real, useful tricks without wasting too much time to talk. Thanks again
Paul Sklar gehört zu den 10 besten und komplettesten Athleten der Erde…
Ke bien sebe ese señer
wow…you look great
Excelente, me gustaron los ejercicios
very intense training. congratulations Paul!!! thanks.👏👏👏👍
Easy mastered it now what?
We want to see a good video on how you work your gluteus. Amazing form BTW
Great exercise- going to give this a shot! Thanks brother! 👍🏻
You work hard, and the results are ***** amazing !!!!! Inspiring.
Omg thats a challenging way to do push up. I cant even do a normal one the right way haha. Keep it up! Greetings from another fitness freak from Philippines
It is nice when you show and comment on how to do the exercise, makes it easier to understand. Challenging exercise btw
I meant dad
Sup buddy👍
Excellent thanks
This guy is on steroids. He's not NATTY. Fake natty.
Cordial saludo desde Colombia!!!
This is a short high value video. All value no fluff!!
this is a real grass ?
Will add this to my ab workout. Looks hard but will push through.
Very impressed, will start doing this, thank you,
Maestro and a great example for all of us!