MANOR LORDS Gameplay Walkthrough Part 5 – Small Town, Level 3 Plots, Ale & Wheat to Grain

Manor Lords Gameplay Walkthrough Part 5 – Upgrading to a Small Town, Unlocking Level 3 Plots, Ale & Learning how to turn …


20 thoughts on “MANOR LORDS Gameplay Walkthrough Part 5 – Small Town, Level 3 Plots, Ale & Wheat to Grain

  1. With there was a way to build walls, castle walls even and build it up where you could build siege weapons to attack other castles/forts… there a game like this our there that offers just that already??

  2. This game looks so fun and awesome but Ive never played a game like this before and Im not sure where id even start. I watch you and its hard to wrap my head around all that youre doing. I dont understand how you know what to build and when. Its as if youre actually running and building your own society and idk how you know exactly what to do each step of the way. You claim throughout youre just winging it but it doesnt seem that way in the slightest haha I think youre just bieng modest.

  3. The amount of detail, in this game, is jaw dropping. The developer really did an amazing job. A true "one man army" gem, surely this game will be a huge success. Well done, well done indeed.

  4. Scott.. theres the best way to rotate crops and it's very important.
    3 way croptotation.. example:Year1 Flax,Year2 Barley and year 3 nothing, then start all over again.
    If you don't you don't yield crops after some time.

  5. Please remember crop rotation on fields or your yeld won't be high. Rest the field every 3 year. Never same crop continuously or the yeld will be bad. Put your livestock on the field that is resting for higher fertilization the following year.

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