Man Dies During Surgery; Shown How Prayers Work & Visits Passed Loved Ones (NDE)

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26 thoughts on “Man Dies During Surgery; Shown How Prayers Work & Visits Passed Loved Ones (NDE)

  1. Near death experiences and out of body experiences are certainly hallucinations caused by dying brain cells firing randomly and going haywire as they start to die. It takes many many hours, if not days for every brain cell to completely die, for every neuron to completely stop firing and for all electrical activity deep inside the brain to completely stop.

  2. Make this comment top so it might help someone. Addiction took me to a dark place, leading to depression and schizophrenia. I was close to giving up, but everything began to change when I started saying gratitude and repentance affirmations like ‘I am grateful, and I am sorry,’ day and night. At first, they were just words, but slowly, they started working. Now, I only repeat them three times a day—before bed, after waking up, and in the evening—for 30 minutes, and I am happy. The voice inside my head has become a friend.

  3. To me there are some red flags about this one
    1. He mentions how he was dead until he got to the morgue – no one has been clinically dead that long. 3-8 hours rigor mortis sets in and the chemistry to the body starts to change.

    2. He mentions how he is in spirit form but he hits his hands together and then he appears back in his body. I’ve listened to hundreds of ndes and most of the time people mention how they don’t have a body.

    3. Probably the biggest – he has something he’s charging for. The ndes where people have a service or book I think need to be scrutinized more and given the first two points in not buying this

  4. This man sounds very disingenuous right from the beginning. I dont believe any of what he's saying and hes a first on this channel, that i dont believe. It seems like he wants attention and to hear himself talk. Narcissism is more of what i hear.

  5. Im not religious or spiritual, but you have helped me and guided me so much with your video, more than any of the others. I now know i am not gifted, i happen to have a connection with archangel Michael in particular, which i never believed until right now.
    I experienced my brothers deaths and my mom showing me where she was at now.

  6. Wow…he said hate is the number 1 reason ppl come back to earth. Thank you sooooo much for telling me that. I would hate to come back here, I mean I would not like to come back here lol…

  7. Okay so the parents just picked them up from the morgue and they were not surprised he was sitting up and then they took him outside into the car and that sounds kind of very strange😂

  8. I work in a hospital. Visitors are not allowed in the morgue. You can't just walk in. It's highly secured. They are doing autopsies in there. It's not a place to just walk around. Even is someone got into it. Leaving with a body/patient is beyond absurd.

  9. I smell stinky cigarettes in my apt once in awhile. I don't smoke and the buildings are smoke free. I've also smelled flower fragrance s too now and then. So, thanks for that information on being able to distinguish the good angles from the bad. ❤❤

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