Make TONS of GOLD & MONEY Fast Just By Doing This.. New Red Dead Online Update (RDR2)

Make TONS of GOLD & MONEY Fast Just By Doing This.. New Red Dead Online Update (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE!


20 thoughts on “Make TONS of GOLD & MONEY Fast Just By Doing This.. New Red Dead Online Update (RDR2)

  1. A really good way to farm gold using these bonus payouts is to queue up solo or with a premade posse for the new call to arms and finish the first 5 waves as quickly as possible. On the start of the 6th you and your posse will kill yourselves to fail the mission and you select replay over and over. For every retry you'll receive 1 gold bar and around 100 dollars. Its a lot faster than doing all 10 waves. You can repeat indefinitely. Have a good one.

  2. Call to arms Amarillo, on my last time playing, I had the zombies including the flaming horses kept spawning in on top of me. No matter where I moved to ground or building they spawned in on top of me. You hear that cracking noise, better start running. i ended up having flaming horses on several buildings. So is it a Glitch? Anyone one else have this problem?

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