Lots of Surprises During “Routine” Traffic Stop

0:00 “Routine” traffic stop
4:22 “I haven’t been honest with you”
6:51 Surprise in the trunk
8:37 A thorough investigation
9:31 One last surprise…


37 thoughts on “Lots of Surprises During “Routine” Traffic Stop

  1. It would've been really cool if you didn't tell us everything we're about to see before we see it.. half the fun of watching these videos is finding things out at the same time as the cops..

  2. Window tint is such a dumb law I’ll never follow. I should be allowed to drive in comfort and safety is my priority. Not officer safety but my own safety.

  3. Funny suprise during a stop story.
    I was headed to a range day with about a dozen guys, and i was the only one with a trunk at the time, so about 30 rifles and a few handguns are in cases in the back of my blazer, which a member of the state troopers pointed out had a dead tail light. Which lead to the question i was dreading. "Any weapons in the vehicle?"
    Tldr the cops joined us after calling all of the owners of the guns to make sure i was telli g the truth.

  4. Anyone else here him hawk tuah and spit on that thing while testing the window tint? No? Just me? Nevermind I didn't hear that either I was just playing lol ew I never heard that.

  5. ETA: Disregard- I see I posted the same thing a year ago❗️. That’s what I believe in; always have something that’s highly noticeable to the cops and brings attention to yourself. Too dark of window tent, broken headlight, break lights or turn signal that doesn’t work, invalid vehicle registration, speeding, etc. Something to get the local cop’s attention especially when you’re carrying pistols and an AR, drug scales and baggies, weed and cocaine, meth, etc., etc. ✅

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