Livestream #266 – Werewolves and Mirror Portals

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29 thoughts on “Livestream #266 – Werewolves and Mirror Portals

  1. It makes sense that spirits or beings using a mirror to travel would speak in backwards language because the mirror is a reflection of things backwards in our world so your right becomes your left and so on and so forth. The image is reversed. The atmosphere in a haunted house is generally oppressive whether you actually see or hear things or not. I think the most common thing that I've experienced is the sense of being watched, which is a big part of not feeling safe enough to sleep. You sense there is something else there that is aware of YOU whether you can see it or not. They sometimes grow energy from our reactions to them which is why the hauntings grow stronger and more manifest over time. They can use our energy to manifest and as they become more "real" in our world – they gain substance – they can affect people and things in our world. It is critical not to give them energy and to close off these portals if you can. Don't have a lot of mirrors in the house, cover them or spray them with Holy water. I hate mirrors personally,

  2. 50:01 that gave me chills! Reminds me of the research that Nathaniel Gillis does. You should really have him on as a guest and also Steve Mera.

    Their works is absolutely mind-blowing! ❤

    Thanks for another wonderful retelling of a fascinating account and experiences, Josh/Wolf ❤

    (Its my favorite when its just you retelling someone's experiences! I did miss the boys commentaries and giving one another a hard time, though. 😊 but thank you, for all that you guys do..ALL of you..thank you! ❤)

  3. I am starting to ponder that some of these shadow entities could be high occult priest astral projecting after doing some animal or human blood letting or sacrifice? Or could I be wrong they are all demonic?

  4. I grew up in a haunted house and my big dum sister ended up playing with a wiji board i misspelled that intentionally and yes things got worse,my Mom had the house "purified" many times and it never worked for long. She sold it when i was 18. I still have nightmares about that place and everyonce and a while i drive by the old house and want to pull in and talk to the owners but if they arent having a bad time i dont want to plant a seed and im sure they would think im crazy

  5. When I was about 7yrs old , I seen in clear day .. a Viking come out of my mirror 🪞! With a hammer in his hand 😂 I didn’t know what a Viking was when I was young, I explained to the grown ups what I seen , guy with a long beard, a helmet , and holding a hammer .. they told me it sounded like a Viking .. this was in the 1970’s , and the adults played it off , as I got a contact high .. from someone smoking in the house .

  6. My house is warded, however, when people with lower vibes come along w their attachments, it can throw things askance. Had to continually clear & get someone additional clearing because it finds a way to infiltrate. Got some addl help, huge wave of white light energy cleaned this fkr out. Be careful who comes to your home or property. Darkness will try to attach or just overwhelm the light.
    We have a portal. I'm constantly doing spiritual hygiene. Take it seriously. Ground & protect yourselves. Especially now w everything going on.

  7. I don't think they were seeing people at the hospice just popping out of mirrors or that they were portals, but I think they were seeing the reflections of invisible people. They seemed to hide themselves from our limited eyesight, but were caught in the mirrors.

  8. I’ve not seen anything actually come out of a mirror, but about 15 years ago, I kept feeling such great sadness and dampness in my room, and I just kept feeling like it was coming from the mirror on my dresser that faced my bed. So I started researching mirrors and found some information about them facing your bed and how that was supposed to be bad. I thought, “What the hell do I have to lose by following these instructions and covering that mirror?” I covered the mirror with this beautiful tapestry I’d bought on vacation, and the sadness and dampness started to dissipate immediately in that room. I kept it covered from then on.

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