LIVE REPLAY: U.S. Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on Trump 14th Amendment Case – 2/8/24

Listen live as the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the Trump v. Anderson case on Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024, at 10 a.m. …


39 thoughts on “LIVE REPLAY: U.S. Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on Trump 14th Amendment Case – 2/8/24

  1. What insurrection? It would be the first in history where the so-called insurrectionists carried no weapons. What did Trump say that morning? "Go peacefully and let your voice be heard." Those were his words. Trump hasn't been convicted of anything and to say otherwise would be a violation of substanitive due process under the 5th Amendment, notwithstanding everything under the 14th Amendment.

  2. Should very Important to look into Israel’s Case what my wife brought to my attention where sexual crime where this was not mention to me in children’s court custody where the children all were return back to my custody where Dept of Child Service held almost two years 2015 2017 same 2009 almost same manner I believe this has a lot to do with where no one talks about, in the pass years 1995.

  3. When time I’m from Phoenix,Az, myself n my wife been legally married over 35yrs we have marriage license she still Illegal here U.S.A. I.believe it’s Falsehood,
    What can be done be a citizen, I’m William, where false.

  4. Biden has already befriended. Our wnemy. The Democrats are good at destrpying our republic. The keep saying their opposition is deatroying our democracy when we don't have democracy but a republic.

  5. Colorado is wrong. You have no right to determine who the voters can vote. You can even write in the candidate’s name if not in the ballot. Colorado, stop your insanity. Give the voters freedom to vote.

  6. I never thought for one second these evil people would allow president Trump back to his rightful place in the white house. But ultimately, it's God's decision. If God says no we will have to accept it. Though I expect much chaos and massive disruption in our country if they take him off the ballot.

  7. As far as I'm concerned the south didn't commit insurrection either……..a group of states voted to succeed from the country……..not take over the main county……..the north raged war against those states to keep them from succeeding..

  8. Do the right thing Supreme Court so as to keep the United States the country its supposed to be! We the people are watching and we are done with the destruction that you in position can cause. It is at its peek with all the people that we are going to take. Trump actually said he believes in the Supreme Court even with the wrong decisions that have been made in the past. Don't betray the people of the United States!

  9. Please all American Patriots do not Give the state of Colorado one dollar.. If you know any of these judges be sure to make their nest as thorny as possible they think they will operate with impunity and I beg to differ, make note of how each Judge is destroyed financially or otherwise by the <proverbial> Haman's Gallows…oh it's happening! …. No rest for the wicked….

  10. The court did an great job with all the right questions.. Atty Murray is over his head on this case..he was awful. I am confident Colorado decision will be overturned in the vast majority. States have no such authority.

  11. Kijk joe biden dementie geen Fraude plegen Met stembiljetten in jaar2024kijk joebiden je hoord bij hetstrafrecht oorlogs tribunaal massamoorden slaghuizen massamoorden

  12. 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇳🇱🇵🇬⛩🎎🏮🛤🛤⛪️🕍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹Familie Trump Roosgarden Respect Airborne veteranen nazorg ook daklozen 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  13. Just cuz someone says you commit insurrection doesn't make it so.. there was only one party that did not want to hear the objections to nine states that had senators signatures.

  14. Wow at first I thought SCOTUS was compromised but I watched the rest and SCOTUS Tore Apart the Trump Deranged buffoon 😂 idk what the hell these communists Fascists democrats are thinking. They are SO Trump Deranged that they project ALL of their thought crimes onto him. Only they want to stay in permanent power and #WeThePeople aren’t allowed via Trump. Oí Vey 🙄 they are willing to destroy 250years of successful constitutional republic all for “their democracy” aka Authoritarian Dictatorship via Socialism➡️Communism
    No thanks 🙏 #FJB 🇺🇸 God Bless DJT

  15. When it's publicized, you can tell who like to hear themselves talk. Thomas should be Chief Justice. His points are punctiliar and brief. He thinks before he speaks.

  16. Donald Trump brought down each country's wealth and royals and cleared the massive number of tunnels from the satanic killings of so many children. Donald Trump is Jesus Christ. Religions are man-made.

  17. Do you realize the democrats have put us through HELL for nearly a decade???? Since President Trump rode down the escalator exclaiming that he was running for President in 2016?? That was 2015 and here we are 9 years later and that much closer to a third world war 😢 Please Lord hear our prayers 🙏

  18. He was called an "insurrectionist", and they are acting as if he were. If I were called a SOB, by the media and the Democrats, does that mean the court would recognize that as true?

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