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  1. These Jews are praying they are not held responsible for his death, it will be the end of Jews and the US will just stand there and watch it happen.

  2. 1 helicopter crash? two others were flying in the unison? all the important leaders
    were on this craft? Bad weather? Sabotage? or did GOD Take these lives? We all have a day
    Coming where we will not be anymore. What really happened here?
    Flying old aircraft?
    knowing that it was?
    Foul Play or Fair play?
    My condolences to the families affected….

  3. From child God peaceful:,That moment is the Judge of God for the people is didnt hear the voice of God and Yesus in this ages.Before that moment Ibhave ever talk for all of leader of every nation Cause Dont to interfere the others country ,And him to neglect .May this moment as the learm for the people is not hear the voice of God and Yesus by me Isay Moses Holy.Gog bless for all of you.

  4. Here is True Facts in late 1940s when Israel took back Jerusalem the Israeli army was out numbered but The Power of God – opposing Palestine army's weapons disappeared and their soldiers said they saw 10 thousands of soldiers behind Israeli army – God's Angels God's Power – People Look to Jesus become Born Again Jesus Gift of Salvation – this generation shall not pass until these prophecies are fulfilled – Wake up – do not be woke in deception

  5. سلام .
    میشه توضیح بدید چطور میشه قسمتی از ارمنستان متعلق به ادربایجان یا به قول ما ایرانی ها قسمتی از استان باکو باشه ؟؟؟

  6. The problem with you is that you see superficial issues… it was God's will that with the helicopter crash… the unity and cohesion of the Iranian nation would become stronger and stronger.

  7. Our God which called ALLAH, has denounced the previous books, Tora and Bibel, and it's been all explaned in QURAN, that in the end time only Iran will be victorios.

    The reason why we don't want to let this rubbish corridor is because AZERBAIJAN is Iranian soil basr on Iran and Russia Golestan Agreement!
    It's against our national interest.

    If Azerbaijan has played faul by having a radar system from Israel, they both will be published!!!

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