Limited Time FREE REWARDS in NEW Red Dead Online Update (RDR2)

NEW Red Dead Online Update FREE REWARDS (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE! Tuesday, August 17 Rockstar …


42 thoughts on “Limited Time FREE REWARDS in NEW Red Dead Online Update (RDR2)

  1. You might get more subscribers if you drop these weekly review videos the day after the content drops. Maybe even same day. That way you get the views of the people that came on youtube to see what was new before log in.

  2. I would just like to say that the wilderness fast travel is a great thing if you’re still working towards amassing your fortune. It doesn’t matter where you are on the map it only costs $1 to travel to camp. I taught my husband that just started the game to utilize this feature and he now travels everywhere for only a buck

  3. Y do they not let us sell are horses. Not discard but sell. Cuz I spent 600 dollars on a horse. It was a nordfolk actually😂😂 didn’t like the health. And I want half my money back at least

  4. 6:00 the new mustangs are very good if youre newer and dont have the money for some top tier horses. i enjoyed the buckskin mustang but they are VERY skiddish. youll immediately be bucked off anywhere near predators

  5. Just recently installed this game but not played it yet but I am actually commenting here regarding on which rank do I start to get better revolvers and other stuff the more I play it seeing am dead set on either trying to go for the LeMat or the colt navy

  6. The Norfolk Roadster is a MUCH BETTER Horse than you are giving it credit for, and the handling is FAR better than you say it is too. Even when mine was only level 1 after I first bought him I noticed a HUGE difference from the supposed excellent handling of the Arabian to the average handling the game claimed the Norfolk has. It was in fact the Norfolk who had the better handling. He would stop when I actually told him to, could handle terrain with ease that my other horses would trip on, and was only level 1. He really surprised me that first night and instantly I was fully happy with the purchase I made. Sure, a Norfolks health isn't as full as some, but mine has rarely been downed by npcs unless his AI bugs out and he doesn't flee because I don't charge him into bullets like a mad man. I take care of him.The only thing that is annoying about a Norfolk is they tend to buck you around predators, but that's what all horses tend to do, including the Turkoman, unless using slow and steady. People will have their personal preference to what horse traits they like, but I simply what to say that the Norfolk Roadster is FAR BETTER than the way you make it sound and I hope that those who were thinking about getting one of the level 20 Norfolk Roadster horses won't be scared away from it by your less than favorable review on them. Nor should those reading this simply take my word for it either. Do your research on ANY HORSE BREED your interested in, so that you know the horse you pick is right for you.

  7. Can anyone confirm guns no longer become dirty after going into water? I can confirm condition doesn't degrade anymore after a free roam event like trade route, but I think this new change also applies to swimming.

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