LEGEND OF HELL 🎬 Exclusive Full Sci-Fi Action Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024
Title: LEGEND OF HELL Summary: Three unlikely allies must team up to save humanity when the portal to hell is opened and …
Title: LEGEND OF HELL Summary: Three unlikely allies must team up to save humanity when the portal to hell is opened and …
Wrong costumes for 600 BC
must admit they are not very good shots sorry l only lasted 20. minutes 😅😅😅
Boring this doesn't catch your attention at the beginning
Confusing which is which
I only made it to 5 minutes and that's because my cat distracted me. Really bad movie I think blood splattering on the camera lens what is a dead giveaway to nothing good can you come of this.
Waste of time
B movie.
A load of rubbish not good
23 minutes is all I could take of this poorly acted B-grade movie.