Latitia James UPSET & FORCED To Pay TRUMP FEES After She TOLD Judge Engoron To REJECT His $175 BOND

Latitia James UPSET & FORCED To Pay TRUMP FEES After She TOLD Judge Engoron To REJECT His $175 BOND ✪ DONATE …


48 thoughts on “Latitia James UPSET & FORCED To Pay TRUMP FEES After She TOLD Judge Engoron To REJECT His $175 BOND

  1. Im truly surprised that all these Bidenite Sycophants are still in the US right now. Trump is going to be the next president of the United States and he already gave notice he's going after ALL of the TRAITORS in our country that have perverted our legal system for their takeover attempt of our government. She should have been smart enough to run already. She's soent the ladt couple years swinging at Trump and now he's gonna leave her swinging on the gallows

  2. Mar-a-Lago is worth closer to $1 billion. Our duly elected president is very intelligent. He knows he is getting free and favorable press. We love Trump, 2024. I pray for protection for our president Donald J Trump as we all should. No telling how far they will go. God bless President Donald J Trump.

  3. Mar-a-Lago is worth closer to $1 billion. Our duly elected president is very intelligent. He knows he is getting free and favorable press. We love Trump, 2024. I pray for protection for our president Donald J Trump as we all should. No telling how far they will go. God bless President Donald J Trump.

  4. Yes she using trump, to fame herself, she said she was going to get him, yes this charge should be thrown out, justt over her compaining, to get trump, its all been fixed. Everyone knows that to.

  5. Well, Letitia James doing what she said she would do. We're going to instigate, irritate until we take down this illegitimate President. It came from her mouth during her "campaign".

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