NEW APES MOVIE! Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self …
NEW APES MOVIE! Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self …
Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self
I’m happy Cesar. Legend, hasn’t gone away.
So i watch the first two movies yesterday and noticed they showed the nasa spacecraft taking off in the first movie and in orbit in the second. Do we think in the new one since it's 300 years later those astronauts would return and see what they see like the very first planet of the apes movie. 🤔🤔🏌🏿♂️
That’s Cs youngest son
Hello Reel Rejects,
This comes out the same day as "Mad Max" prequel "Furiosa". Are you willing to see two post apocalyptic action-adventures in one day? Smells like a meme to me.
I still think it’s weird that the apes are speaking English. Like why would they need to if they’re the dominant species and it’s basically just them and a couple humans
If Caesar's son, Cornelius, is the main protagonist, not that much time as passed since WAR. There must be some humans left on the planet that can still speak.
It doesn't have to be considered a remake, as the original POTA took place more than 2,000 years into the future.
In fact, one avenue that could be explored in a subsequent film is the Icarus spaceship that got lost in space during RISE.
What a wonderfullll day 🧍🏽♂️
I think I've only seen the first movie and maybe the second movie, but it has been long ago It's going to be like watching three new movies to me. I love watching refreshing myself on movies and TV then watching the new stuff.
I actually hope if this is the second trilogy set of movies that they end the third movie at the point where the first of the original movies started. Like at the end have a group of astronauts land on Earth, but thinking they are on a different planet. I don't know if I want to see a remake of the original movies if they're not able to surpass them. Although it would be nice to compare remakes with the original to see who did it better.
BTW: If you haven't done them already before and decide to react to the three movies I'd love to watch your reactions while I'm rewatching them as well.
Enjoyed the reaction 👍👍✌out.
Yeah, I can teach my cat saying that "what a wonderful day"
The best 😊😊😊
I’m so excited to watch it ! I been waiting for the trailer for weeks ! 😂
I’m really looking forward to this film, not just because it’s a continuation to what I think is one of the best reboot trilogies of all time but also because one of my friends from high school, an incredibly talented actor, is taking on the lead. Really hope the film succeeds. Already love how it’s leaning closer to the 1968 original in a lot of ways.
I think possibly the last movie will be the actual remake of the original 1968. In rise of the planet of the apes, it teased that 3 astronauts went missing in space so it’s possible the last movie is gonna be set up for their return.
The director, Wes Ball, is also the one who directed the Maze runner movies.
Can you please finish this trilogy and react to the last 2 films – the Scorch Trials and the Death Cure ??
Could noa be Cornelius son?
According to the wiki, this takes place generations after War. That ape isn't Cornelius, and that ape king is Caesars descendant.
The trailer didn't tell me much. It's a little confusing.
Oh, it’s Ciri.
The dark haired woman reminds me of Nova from the original 1968 film
They're not "skipping" any of the originals, yet…except that they retconned the ape slavery era that Caesar originally arose from and the LAST few of the original films depicted.
What they're BUILDING to now is the start of the actual Ape civilization that is firmly in place by the time Taylor and the other astronauts returned.
Dawn is an absolute masterpiece and Caesar’s ark from Rise to War is honestly one of the best I’ve ever seen, credit to Andy Serkis and Matt Reeves. To finally see the rebooted trilogy being connected back to the original Planet of the Apes is incredible👏
Rise/Dawn/War IS the greatest trilogy ever made.
I'm calling it as this being the first of a new trilogy and the thrid film will end with the ship landing on the planet as a cliffhanger.
Which will lead into another new trilogy, with the first being the Planet Of The Apes remake of the Heston original.
2:01 – 2:13 😂 Glad I wasn't the only one to notice that. 😅Like, really?
Everyone is saying that it’s Cornelius but I’ve seen online that the lead Ape’s name is Noa. This is taking place generations after Caesar
Quite possibly one of the only rebooted pieces of media that is actually Cinema Worthy.
Owen Teague as Noa, a young chimpanzee born generations after Caesar's time.
Freya Allan as Mae, a feral young woman who joins Noa on his journey.
Kevin Durand as Proximus Caesar, a powerful chimpanzee ruler who leads a coastal clan of apes in search of human technology.
This has nothing to do with Cornelius this is hundreds of years after Caesar. Literally 90% of humanity which speechless because of the disease at the very end of the war of the Planet of the apes. The two new Apes one is called Noah the other is called Proxima Caesar they're both descendants of Caesar
I definitely think the apes will be well aware of humanity and what they were. Definitely, if Cornielius is the protagonist. At the end of War, Maurice promises Caesar that he'll tell Cornielius who his father was and what he stood for so, at the very least, I'd think our group of protagonists will know. That would also make sense why Cornielius shows a lot of empathy to humans in the trailer.
Pretty sure its not Corenelius. Movie takes place multi generations after making it to the Oasis, some clans dont even know who Caesar was.
Main ape looks like Caesar
Im equal parts excited and worried. The reboot Planet of the Apes trilogy is one of the few trilogies I consider perfect. Im excited for a new entry but worried they're gonna mess this up
Man, Chicago is out of control.
GREG!!! Ape no kill ape 🦍