Just how East Asian is India?

Lying in between many major civilizations, the Indian Subcontinent has been impacted by many different waves of migration, but …


32 thoughts on “Just how East Asian is India?

  1. Basically Two, were the races of India- of First Race or Mithraikosi, and of Second Race, Japhethites. Buddha, Krishna and Manichaeios were all from the First Race; better to anathematize the latter name, in my opinion, "Manichaeian Gnosticism" understand as a form of Barbhelo Gnosticism, he was initially a Mahavatar of First Aeon Virginal Barbhalo… but he did something serious transgression… Barbhalo, a Boundless One…

  2. I really thought of middle eastern people being the ancestors of majority of Indians. Its just that most Indians of today are darker and smaller especially the Indians from southern parts of tropical and sub tropical India.

  3. Indians want to be Chinese????🤣😂😝😏😏🤮🤮🤮🤮🤧🤧🙉👎👎👎🦍🦍🦍🐒🐒🦧🦧🐵🐵🐷🐷🐷🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  4. Black Indians, you should never touch us Chinese, do you want to be East Asian? Forget it, you should go to Africa to be an African, it's more appropriate.🤮🤮🤮🤮

  5. I wish us Indians celebrated our Racial, Cultural, Religious and Tribal history and intermixing. Caste systems and the Aryan superiority mix have really put a damper on that. But we have a incredibly rich and diverse mix of cultures and DNA esp in Tribal people in the North East, Orissa, Andhra, Rajasthan. Waiting for the day when Indians forget caste and regionalism and really celebrate and take pride in who we are. What's more fascinating than this?

  6. India and East Asia? Isn't it different? It's still useless to compare. So nonsense, 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Indians don't want to be Indians,🤣

    I'm Vietnamese, Southeast Asian, I never thought I needed to be East Asian,I just want to be Vietnamese, because if I were from another country, I wouldn't understand their language,😂😂😂😂

  7. My dear brother, please don't say so much that he has a Mongolian face, 90% of the Asian continent belongs to the yellow race, and the same goes for 85% of Russia, and the same goes for the country of Girland 🇬🇱🇬🇱🇬🇱 Denmark and northern Canada. It's the same way, 60 or 70% of people in the world are like this, even India has 40 races.

  8. برادر عزیز من از خواهش می کنم که این قدره نگوه که چهره مغولی داره ۹۰ درصد قاره آسیا مربوط به نژاد زرد است و همین توره ۸۵ درصد روسیه هم از نژاده زده هست و همین توره کشورگیرلانده🇬🇱🇬🇱🇬🇱 دانمارک و شمال کانادا همین همین طوره هست تریب ۶۰ و یا ۷۰ درصد مردم دنیاه همین جوره هست حتا هندوستان ۴۰ نژاده زده داری

  9. SEA's monarchs were laid by Shatriyas (Vedic warrior castes), also conquered China. Ref. GE.Gerini, G.Coeds, RC.Majumdar. Only Kshatriya, Mesopotamian Ezyptian are martial races. R1a1aY/R1a1Y is the conqueror.

    More 👉All European, Mediterranean, C.Asian, G.steppe nations are founded by race of Bharath, Vedic/Arya warrior caste R1a1a/R1a1Y (Kshatriya ), this marker didn't exist in steppe to Europe before 1k BC. They've descended from horse riding CimmeArya, Saka, Sauromata, Alani, Roxolani, TochaArya, Kushan, Wushun, Xiangno, Khotan Aryas who've conquered G.steppe then Europe, China in the 1k BCs from India-Iran areas after Vedics from India already conquered upto Anatolia (Mittani-Hatti-Hari) in 2k BCs. Greco-Roman are M-H-H Charioteers Arya descents, only Aryas can bring IE language, chariot, Mitra, thunder/sky God, astronomy, astrology, funerary cremation in Greece-Italy. Aryas in west have turned blonde/white breeding with white/blonde women (Celts R1bY Yamnyan, Veneds R1aY Sintashtan) like brown Jews have turned blonde. Kshatriyas were massive in height/girth, brown skinned, dark haired/eyed (Check G-R, Irani, Saka, TochaArya, Kushan, Xiangno images). Europe's Monarchies came 1300 years after Sakas' 700 BC. empire, literature after 7th c CE. Greece-Italy Monarchies came 1000 years after M-H-H.

    Proven conquest of west by Aryas.
    👉In 2k BCs Mittani-Hatti-Hari conquered upto Anatolia.
    👉In 800 BCs CimmeArya, Saka conquered Balkan, Ukraine, Russia.
    👉In 500 BCs Parsha conquered Greece, Balkan.
    👉In 400-200 BC. Sauromata, Alani conquered upto Ukraine, then British Irish Isles, remember RgVedic Goddess Danu.
    👉 In 5th c 1 Alani band conquered Spain raiding Greece, Italy.
    👉In 4th c. Hun conquered half of Europe descending from Khotan, Xiangno.


    👉Since 800 BC. Celt, Vened & C.Asian trib@ls are en$laved by Aryas (CimmeArya, Saka, Sauromata, Alani, Roxolani, TochaArya, Kushan, Wushun, Xiangno, Khotan).
    👉 Whites are next en$laved by Mittani-Hatti-Hari Arya descents Roman.
    👉En$laved by Hun descending from Xiangno, Khotan.
    👉En$laved by moors, moor leaders are Irani Aryas.
    👉En$laved by Turk, Mongol. Lords of Turk, Mongol, Avar, Khazar trb@ls are Tocha-Arya, Kushan, Wushun, Xiangno, Khotan. R1a1a/R1a1Y are in Chinese, Tibetan, Turk, Mongol, C.Asian, SE Asian, Jews, Arab. Rulers aren't same race of $laves/subjects. Trib@ls don't give birth to conquerors. Kshatriya Arya, Ezyptian, Mesopotamian are only martial races.

    Whites (Celt,Vened) aren't IE/Arya/warrior race, no evidence of native language. Let alone riding chariot, never rode horse. Roman labelled them subhum@n. IBN Fadlan described yellow haired are f!lthiest. Till 10th c. custom of r@ping, hum@n s@crifice. Whites aren't martial race but they @nnihilate weakers, they've @nnihilated native Euros. Roman, Saka, Sauromata, Alani, Hun could do the same with C-Vs but didn't. In last 1k years Aryas in west assimilating with whites commited gen0cides of American, African, Asian, Australian. Hiroshima nuking, WW1/2. British rulers who are R1a1a/R1a1Y l00ted $45 tril. alone from India & feeding whites leaving over 10 mil. starved to death. Vedic civilization is destroyed by her own long lost children.

    Stark difference in civiliation confirms west is multuracial. Celt, Vened are only whites who've changed others' physiognomy giving their women at same time their whiteness is reduced by others, C-Vs were way whiter. Browns were Arya from India, Phonecian-Etruscan-Jews from Middle East. Negroids from Sahara. Some C.Asian, native Euros, Gypsies, Mongoloids.

    Shatriyas are founder of Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism. Shatriya Buddha, Mahavira, Ashoka TG, Kurus TG are the greats no race on earth could give birth. Abrahamic religions are existing because Kurus TG saved Judaism, he's the only non-Jews regarded "messiah" in Judaism. Literature of all civiliations can't reach 1/4 of Vedic. RgVeda is the oldest IE literature. 40% Earth's population speak Arya languages. Aryas who surpass even great Mesopotamian, Ezyptian can't originate from civilizationless Steppe. Oldest chariot found in "Sinauli" India. Oldest city "Rakhigarhi". None ever rode Chariot in Steppe. Vedics=Aryas=IE.

    Will Durant, American historian.
    "India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all."

    William James, American Author "From the Vedas, we learn a practical art of surgery, medicine, music, house building under which mechanized art is included. They are encyclopedia of every aspect of life, culture, religion, science, ethics, law,
    cosmology and meteorology."

  10. U used the most Aryan looking nepali people in 9:12 (a good guess that they’re Khas-Arya Bauns/Brahmins judging from their wedding attire) which I find ironic lmao. But Tibetans and Tibetic culture isn’t the only ‘East-Eurasian’ culture/people Nepal has. Various migrations and formation of other Tibeto-Burman cultures have always been here since everyone entered the region n formed distinct cultures at various diff times. A good example could be the Newar people of the Kathmandu Valley which seem to be a good ‘mix’ of cultures from both sides. Even Kiranti groups from Eastern Nepal have very distinct cultures from Tibetans from being separated for so long. These other Tibeto-Burman groups are from the hills and have their own impact in the country (food, culture, religion, etc). There’s also other Tibeto-Burman groups like the Dhimal people who also share a geographical home in the foothills of Nepal (Terai region) with the Tharu people who migrated from the hills long ago.

  11. Food source born from sea- lake, Seng- Sun(=HK- Noun to pure Cougar- Feline- Cheetah lines language into English from Indo European Vowels+ Consonant in middle terms before English sentences, Sa- Ra- in- neun- Son/ their, recorders' Survived Son have been lived on fish families not red blooded animal proteins but parasites is last assignment to conquer).

  12. I am Indian and the closest I come to a foreign look is southeast asian. For reference my sister kinds looks like olivia rodrigo who is philippino.

    Bengalis also often look like burmese people which makes sense because they are literally neighbours. I am glad eastern migration is being discussed here because usually people only focus on migration from western asia. People only focus on indo-aryan and dravidian dichotomy while forgetting tibeto burmese, sino tibetian and austro asiatic groups of India.

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