Just Cause Devs Layoff Two Studios – Luke Reacts
LINKS: https://linktr.ee/lukestephens — Luke Stephens is a Content-Creator and Streamer that co-streams on YouTube and …
LINKS: https://linktr.ee/lukestephens — Luke Stephens is a Content-Creator and Streamer that co-streams on YouTube and …
Really sad…the just cause 4 failure hit them hard…
i mean i have played all of them and it is safe to say that even just cause 1 have better water graphics than jc4
Just cause 4 was absolutely amazing 🎉
They need port JC2 to Nintendo Switch to improve their stability!
JC-1 has aged-out forever. I STILL enjoy playing 2, 3 and 4. I am still holding out hope for 5.
Just Cause 2 and 3 were underrated masterpieces. They shot themselves in the foot after JC4 that game ruined the series. Rest in peace.
Rage 2 was underrated asf bad story everything else chiefs fucking kiss
7:08 “Games now… very few of them feel like enough.” Amen.
JC2 was amazing just had all these things that alot of games didnt do at the time
Just Cause they can.
I'll see myself out
Honestly wtf are they doing? No games are being released by them…😮
yayyyyy another beloved game series i grew up with going up in flames……….
good they worked with sweet baby stinc! those laid off workers vcan now buy groceries with those sweet sweet esg points
This really sucks; Generation Zero is a great game and Mad Max was great as well; both criminally underrated.
Generation Zero is a great game. But man I just realized Just Cause 4 was so long ago. I wouldn’t mind a Just Cause 5 if done right.
I think the need for each sequel to not only do as good as the previous title, but more, is what's wrong with gaming today. The reality is that they should be able to do the exact same thing and be fun but they're just not and I think that this shows more of a problem with the games being made rather than the gamers. It's not the ps3 to ps4 jump. The hardware is all plenty good to do whatever the devs want compared to all of the limitations that came with the 360 ps3 generation. It's simply that sequel fatigue is hitting hard these days and just making the same game but better is much harder than in the past without overloading the game with random bloat. If the Just Cause team made something that wasn't just cause instead of Just Cause 4 we could have gotten a super exciting and bombastic new game. But, since they decided to go with Just Cause 4, we just got Just Cause 3 with a couple extra things here and there.
lol rage 2
Such a shame just cause 3 and 4 still have denuvo.
Does anyone else here ever mistake Just Cause as a ubisoft franchise? They're all kinda the same open world blow-up-everything kinda game each time with lame stories
gaming industry is the most successful industry we have… studio after studio closing down… wtf
I wanted to like Just Cause 4 because I love the series but it was a mess. I couldn't even play it until they patched in a toggle for the motion blur. I was getting motion sickness.
Original Just Cause was my fav. There was something about the atmosphere that modern games don't have anymore. Maybe because that era of games were not about photorealism.
I still play Just Cause 3 on my Legion Go every now and then. Just Cause 4 never hit me for some reason.
generation zero is actually good too
RIP Mad Max, just got the game heavily slept on, was hoping for a sequel maybe
The issue with just cause is they never made the gunplay feel good and the enemies were boring. Yes, the physics was fun but the world they gave you to play with those physics and the missions they gave you to do were pretty boring. A few games have come out where the mechanics are fun but the game around them is bad.
There’s no point in it being as big as it was if they’re going to make it as boring as it is
NOOOOOO!!! those two studios were the best ones!
Mad Max was their best game
it's ok they did it for a just cause
We need VC firms out of gaming.
I remember just playing the Just Cause 2 demo over and over again on xbox 360. So good.
I loved Rage 2, rip…
Just Cause 4 is Just Cause 3, but everything made worse. I don't even understand how is that possible. I just played both in the past 2 weeks. The controls are worse in JC4, the story is worse, the destruction is worse, the whole game is repetitive to an extreme degree. "The improvements are wide spread" said the guy in the review. What the actual fuck are you talking about my man? Also 7.9? What the hell is the guy smoking, that game is a 5, maybe a 6 if you are very generous. Literally everything is worse in JC4 apart from like voice acting and some minor stuff nobody cares about. Rage 2 was also dogshit. They get shut down? Maybe they should have made better games…