July Rising | Full Drama Movie | Alexa Yeames | Johanna Putnam

July Rising – When sixteen-year old Andy inherits her grandfather’s orchard and becomes the ward of her aunt from the city, she …


27 thoughts on “July Rising | Full Drama Movie | Alexa Yeames | Johanna Putnam

  1. the great American Dream huh!!! what a disgusting ending… poor girl… and for all others' that have to fight the banks and the weather….and all the other devil's children that enjoy making hardworking peoples lives a misery.

  2. What a depressing movie. Except for a few minutes at the beginning, everything about the movie is depressing. Based on the description, I thought it would be a good ending. However, the ending too horrible for the 16 year old girl. Even though it was illegal, the corrupt law allowed the businessman to steal her farm.

  3. She is no different than anyone of us. We all have a standard and we all fight for that standard. If we continue in that standard then we become that standard. Unfortunately, that standard may not be one of joy and peace. She needs to break away from her own mind and that requires new knowledge. Hopefully, she as with us, will learn we are not the sum of our thoughts or feelings, and God has a plan and purpose for each of us. God tells us that the soul knows right well. We see her searching those deep things trying to hold on the good she knows. She doesn't know how to do good always,, nevertheless she is fighting to hold onto what she knows is good. What I hope she finds is the knowledge that she is loved and its already hers if she lets it.

  4. Wishing American Farmers back home would figure out how the European Farmers do "weed control" in Orchards/Veg Farming … Spread "Straw" (not Hay) between the trees … makes mowing in the main runs more efficient. Sad.

  5. Decent movie. It’s funny, tho, if you think about it, agriculture raped the Central Valley. They cut everything down so quickly, and brought in so many invasive species, that scientists have no idea what actually grew here before white man descended. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean, I don’t know what else we could’ve done considering the knowledge we had at the time, but it’s kind of ironic that the orchard is like “heaven “in this movie.

  6. Help stop this from happening. Stop purchasing out of your local area. Stop shopping at big box grocery stores. Stop buying only on line. Shop at small Mom & Pops locally owned stores. If local stores are too expensive, research other stores or markets close to you. Research home delivery of local fresh produce clubs in your area). Contribute to your area and give back what you take from your community.

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