Volca Burn
Judge Merchan DISMISSES CASE & SCREAMS At Alvin Bragg After Michael Cohen LIED UNDER OATH
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I have absolutely loved your site, BUT QUIT CLICK BAITING!!
You have such a great gig going here you dont need deception with us, we who've stood with you and been deceived by all things media.
PLEASE, consider your actions, albeit simply business to you, its OUR LIFE, FREEDOMS AND COUNTRY WE CONTINUE TO FIGHT FOR…
The judge has not dismissed the case. Please keep it real!🤣
These DA's need to be disbarred and charged with election interference.
Tar and Feather this idiot Merchan!
Put Bragg and Cohen in jail for Lying under oath in Court.
Good job!
Thank you ❤
The case has definitely not been dismissed, and it is very highly unlikely to happen, especially at this stage. The opinion of most legals is that Cohen has been a superb witness whose evidence dovetailed excellently with that of David Pecker… There is no excuse for you getting things so completely wrong.
His ass is strait up busted ..
No in between.
He flat out has gotta go.
His word aint worth a shit.. They better dismiss him
Now the Judge has a chance to look like a real tool or worse.
Why are you saying case was dismissed??
Yes will this crooked judge do that!!!! I Dt think so ! He hates Trump that bad
Thank you, you do a great job and I enjoy listening to you. I'm white and not racial, I have two (2), 1/2 black grand daughters.
Dims: mutiny from stern to bow !! Your boat gotta BIG hole in it ! Gonna meet Davey Jones sooner or later !
jumpin' the gun continually tube !? hows come ??
Who titled your video? Michael Cohen!
Prophetic but not decided yet.
IF this goes to jury deliberation and by any chance they come back with a guilty verdict it just proves these people are as crooked (or paid) as the rest of that crew! How sad our country has sunk !!!
It's so unbelievable what is going on, except that it's desperation. What a waste of money doing this trial.
Yes!!!!You can't keep a GOOD man down!!!!!!TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!
Wassup with you?
Anybody with any brains nose Donald Trump is for America and if you don’t think so then you are a demon a Democrat
Every American in the United States knows every citizen of the United States knows Democrats are demons
New Orleans here ⚜️❤️⚜️
I appreciate and agree with you totally
Cohen is such a character! 🤥🤥🤥🤥This case is about to implode on these evil people
This whole charade of a trial is about “Character Assassination”. Win, Lose or Draw they try to make Trump look bad and lose votes
So there is nothing here that indicates Judge Merchan has dismissed the case.
The sad thing is that lying is a resume enhancement for communist Democrats!
LOL, Idiots…
If dismissed , what are you talking about now
The state should fine BRAGG for the cost of this court charade
Cohen’s Former Attorney Robert Costello, had 2-3 hundred pages of Evidence that Bragg refused to bring in as Evidence but, the Evidence favored Trump. Costello recorded Cohen saying,Trump didn’t know about the 300K and that Stormy told Cohen, that she was just going to say, she slept with Trump. Bragg knew, if Stormy said that, it would give the Judge and the Jury a reason to think, Trump was hiding the 300K as a Business Expense so, Malania wouldn’t find out. This was the story Bragg started when the Case began. Bragg hid these Documents/Files Costello brought in. In Court, the Prosecutes claimed, they only tossed out 3 pages of phone numbers and texts that they didn’t need?Bragg lied. They only, threw out 3 pages from the 200-300 hundred pages Costello gave them. Those phone numbers and Texts were to Stormy’s Attorney. It showed dates and times when Stormy or Cohen corresponded with the Attorney. Those phone calls and texts could had proved Extortion even, Bragg’s phone calls.
Is this for real
Corrupt democrats treason
Gonna start calling him Teflon Trump 👏🏼👏🏼🤝🏼
Yeah…this has not happened. WTF? Testimony continues Monday. That said, we have a corrupt Judge, likely biased jury. He'd be convicted even if the entire prosecution were to admit fabricating the entire case. The left will never let this opportunity go to waste. Don't be surprised.
Arrest these fools.
I’m here