James Comer Reads Bombshell Message From Top Fauci Aide About ‘How To Make Emails Disappear’

At a House Select Committee on the Coronavirus hearing last week, Rep. James Comer (R-KY) spoke to witnesses about funding …


39 thoughts on “James Comer Reads Bombshell Message From Top Fauci Aide About ‘How To Make Emails Disappear’

  1. My friend dropped her husband off at the entrance to the emergency room since no one could be accompanied into the hospital due to Fauci's rules. That's the last time she saw her husband.

  2. Appointment of a Special Prosecutor is needed. I think Robert Kennedy Jr. Should be appointed to investigate the NIH and everything related to the Wuhan Lab. They need to investigate all that invested in Pfizer during the epidemic. Fauci needs to be investigated along with everyone in his office. It is disgusting and disgraceful what happened. My family has been hurt and betrayed along with millions of citizens. People need to be punished for what they did.

  3. Why should we the people be required to FOIA public servants emails… they should be available at all times and monitored by anyone and everyone in the private sector redacting only areas of national security and then those should be made available upon FOIA in a SKiff if necessary and without impediment.

  4. Why the hell isn't Dr. Death and Fraudulent Fauci in prison?! There's PLENTY of evidence to convict them. Is our "justice " system so corrupt and broken that they cannot get a fair trial judge who can't be bought off or threatened?

  5. No mention of University of NC Chappell Hill working on Gene Therapy and advanced functionality on live subjects. This is illegal from inception , especially considering it is a bioweapons platform technology.

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